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eBay Frenzy 08/12/18: Custom Marvel Legends and Star Wars and Marvel Legends

It’s been more than a few weeks since the last eBay Frenzy but it’s finally a Sunday at home and I’m just loafing around on eBay looking at pretty pretty toys. Customs of the Marvel Legends and Star Wars variety, as usual.

Like this A’Sharad Hett. Simple custom but damn it, I loved Outlander and the following stories, I need a figure! And Sharad. And Ki-Adi-Mundi. And Aurra Sing. And….and….

I’m not sold on the coat used here but I’m such a fan of the modern Madrox look and series that I can’t help going back and looking a few times. Shhhh, I’m okay with the 90s look we just got in the line, but that’s not my personal favorite.

A little more subdued than my usual mental image of Emma Frost, but I dig how clean this turned out.

Duuuuun dun dun duh, dun duuuun dun, da da dun dun duuuun dun, da duh dun Deadpool van….click the link, the inside is decked out nicely too.

I know we’re getting an official Red Goblin in the Legends line but I like the finer details on this custom a little more.

Same could be said for Gambit. Sure, I like the one we’re getting but some hand painting and such just gives it a little oomph.

I think I’ve featured this before but I can’t help it. The animated colors just pop on the Boba Fett design.

Have I ever mentioned we need a proper Jim Lee Jubilee? I have? I’m saying it again.

I just got this custom Wolverine head cast for myself a few days ago along with the Ultimate Riders Logan with motorcycle, and now Benty puts up a version with blue highlights. And now I want it again. And a blank slate so I can bloody it up and put it on an X cross. When I get back to customizing in 2025.

I love me some customized Bandai model kit astromechs. LOVE!

There’s figures we get from companies, and there’s customs that take them that extra mile and puts them over the top. Some sculpt/overlay and some metallic green paint and I’m all “WHY DOESN’T MY ELECTRO LOOK LIKE THIS??”

We had a White Queen, now we need the Black Queen. This Tessa is delicious. At first I thought “Is that the same blue over the whole thing?” And then I realized, I really like the effect it throws off.

Yes, another Boba Fett, this time in vintage Kenner colors. Because I like it. Because I need one. Because it’s my party and I’ll Fett all I want!