This one arrived just ahead of my departure for SDCC, but since this is an exclusive to the show, I wanted to make sure I at least got some pictures out there of this new DC Multiverse set that will give fans of the old DCUC line some nostalgic feels.
Say whatchoo want about Aquaman, he is about to be front and center in terms of DC heroes gon’ Hollywood, and with his solo film hitting soon, we can expect a lot more merchandise starry Arthur Curry. This new SDCC set features a more classic comic look for Aquaman, and it also features two of his most iconic enemies: Ocean Master and Black Manta. Even though the marketing of Aquaman right now does not surprise me, this set did catch me off-gaurd, but man, I am so glad Mattel has put this together.
The box and slip cover presentation is very nice, and it is really, really cool to get revamped figures of these three characters in a style that will coordinate with the DCUC line, but brings more articulation and swappable parts to the table. Each of these guys have the more modern partial ball hips (instead of the hinges), double knees, three different sets of hands (grips, fists, and opens), and Black Manta even gets three different colors for his visor — NEAT!
Like I said, I am putting this together quickly because I have to get out of town, but I am really pleased with this set. My DC action figure days have gone from completist in DCUC to cherry-picking in the DCM line, so I am really glad when I get some new comic figures, especially striking versions of iconic characters. Surprised by the release I might be, but this is a great set, so don’t sleep on it. I will try to be back with more on this later next week, but since the airport is calling, please enjoy some pictures for now.
*Thank you to Mattel for providing this advance sample for feature.