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Hasbro: SDCC Exclusive Marvel Legends Red Skull with Electronic Tesseract?

Not to be outdone with the slips, or maybe this was an intentional tease, the Hasbro Pulse Instagram just posted a picture of what appears to be another SDCC exclusive!

The package certainly makes it appear to be that extra special type of convention thing, with the opening front and surprise peek-a-boo flavor. While they don’t show the Red Skull figure itself (which makes this article seem clickbaity as all hell, NOT MY FAULT!) I’m guessing it’s pretty close to what we’ve already seen in the 10 Years line, just with a fancy shmancy glowy Tesseract.

For some reason I’m completely cool with that.

More info as it comes along!

To make your click a little more worthwhile, they also posted a different pic of the SDCC exclusive Defenders set.

There, I feel better now.

You can see the full reveal with updated pics and info here.

And now I feel dirty again…