I was going to skip a week again since it worked so well last time but dang it, there is just too much custom goodness floating around the ‘bay this weekend. That wasn’t meant to be a jokey water reference, I started the sentence and it ended up as you see it now. Shut up! Let’s just look at some awesome Marvel Legends and such.
Hey, it’s a modern character that I recognize! I can’t tell you how I know who Red Goblin is but I know I now want a figure of him.
The classics never get old, and Iceman along with this paint technique holds up even today.
Sure, I don’t care too much for the base body, but anyone who makes a Razorback is okay in my book. Much love from this Arkansas boy.
We have a Juggernaut or two, why don’t we have a Black Tom yet? And it took me a minute to figure out the base body but it’s a pretty brilliant way to clear out some Kylos.
Awwww. I know we all want to see how Boba Fett survived the Sarlacc Pit but deep down we all know this is probably closer to the truth.
I’m not a huge Hush fan but this one jumped out at me.
I think we all know this Bucky Cap is getting closer and closer to reality. Unless they swerve. But I do like the look.
I know the base body and it’s essentially a head swap, but I’m blown away at how good this high school Spider-Man Homecoming looks.
I liked the story in Battlefront II well enough and definitely wouldn’t turn down an Iden Versio that looked like this. In fact, I really want one now.
I just got my Deadpool Legends case this past week and like official ML Paladin for what it is, but I really wanted it to look more like this 90s Paladin with all of his awesome padding and cushioning. He does NOT get uncomfortable on long flights…
Oh, you knew someone would do this Gwenpool inspired Deadpool. Hell, if it hasn’t been in the comics already I’d be surprised.
Exiles is up there as one of my all-time favorite runs, along with Secret Six, Astonishing X-Men, and most of the original Excalibur run, so I’m genetically predisposed to love this Blink.
Of course, New Warriors is up there too, now that I’m reminded of it. Night Thrasher doesn’t get enough plastic respect.
This is a different Spot from last week, but it really hits hard the fact that we NEED A SPOT IN MARVEL LEGENDS!
Surge is apparently in the new Deadpool 2 trailer so why not gaze upon her in all her plastic comic glory?
The first Boba in this article made me sad, only because of the reality of the situation, not the execution, but this one puts a smile on my face. I absolutely love the repaints people have been doing to make the Black Series figure into a vintage inspired Fett. I need one.
The more pronounced facial features kind of freak me out even though I know there is a precedent for it but beyond that, this Red Hood kicks all kinds of ass.
It is absolutely criminal how we haven’t gotten a new Nightcrawler in…..how many years? And while I’m going to need a classic version I wouldn’t turn down an X-Force version either.