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Top Five: Solo Star Wars Black Series Figures

With The Last Jedi in the rearview, promotion for the next Star Wars film, Solo, kicked off this weekend with a teaser for a teaser trailer that released Monday. I know a lot of fans were anxiously looking for this trailer since we’ve not seen much in the way of promotion from Solo even though it’s only a few months away. It’s still a little weird for me to be getting this much Star Wars in one year, so I was in no rush. The trailer definitely raised my anticipation for this movie and got me looking towards new figures. Click through for my top five!

I always like to start these with a couple runners up and this time around it’s the young versions of our heroes Han, Chewie and Lando. Rumored case assortments already show Han and Lando, though I would expect to see Lando in his yellow outfit and Han in that brown jacket even if there weren’t rumors. I’d actually really like a new Chewie with that different bandolier. It looks super cool.

#5 Weird Four-Armed Monkey Guy

There was something appealing about the design right off just from this one shot of this dude (or gal). When Woody Harrelson’s character Beckett talks about putting a crew together we get some quick shots of different characters. I’m assuming this guy will be part of their criminal gang pulling off a job. I like the look of this four-armed little creature and in general would love to see more prominent aliens in these movies. His head makes me think of a baby orangutan and the outfit has a classic Star Wars Spacesuit vibe. Hopefully Space Monkey 2.0 will get a little more face time than his brother from Rogue One, Bistan.

#4 Qi’ra

Qi’ra looks to be a main character and have a few different outfits in the film, so I think the question really is what outfit will her black series figure be wearing? I’m partial to the cape look myself, so I hope that’s what they go for, though honestly I’d take any version.

#3 Val

Thandie Newton is Val in SOLO: A STAR WARS STORY.

Val is played by Thandie Newton and looks to be part of Beckett’s crew. She stuck out as particularly tough-looking in the brief glimpse we got of her in the trailer. I want to see more, but I already dig the fur and tube-lined coat and her massive blaster.

#2 L3-37

I love a weathered and beat up droid, and L3-37 is another cool new Star Wars droid design calling for a detailed figure. One of the things I was hoping to see in Solo was Lando’s droid buddy Vuffi Raa from the old Lando trilogy, but I realize that was really not a realistic expectation. The brief friendly interaction between L3-37 and Lando in the trailer gave me Vuffi Raa vibes and I think that makes me want a figure of the droid even more.

#1 Unnamed Villain

I have no idea what his name is, but he (or she) definitely jumped out as my favorite new design in this film. I love the contrast of the almost chrome visor with the bone like quality of the rest of the helmet. This character was hopping around wielding that staff like a martial arts master, so he would benefit from the Black Series treatment. He’s definitely the most toyetic. He also looks to have a whole gang of similarly cool cronies that will face off with Han in the flick.

Well that’s what I want so far, anything from the trailers pique your interest? Let me know below or on our forums.