The annual Marvel Legends top ten vote for 2017 is all wrapped up, and the votes are counted. I thought we had a great turnout last year, but for the third year in a row, the records for most participants, most votes, and most characters voted for were all destroyed by this year’s. In 2015 we had 182 people vote, in 2016 we had 291. This year? Over three hundred and eighty people voted for which Marvel characters they want to see get the Hasbro Legends treatment!
I got the feeling that many of you guys felt like we would have a lot of repeat characters in this year’s top ten. Which makes sense because, besides Moon Knight, none of last year’s top ten has been released or even revealed yet. It’s quite a difference from the previous year because all ten of the 2015 results have been released in Legends form. Hopefully this year’s results get revealed sooner rather than later.
Let’s get to the results!
There was actually two ties this year, so instead of ten characters, I said screw it, and decided to do a top twelve this year.
At number ten with 41 votes is everyone’s favorite shape-changing mutant:
10. Mystique
Sure, she may be blue, sometimes evil, and sometimes more than a bit … uh … loose in her love life. But there’s no denying her popularity. There hasn’t been a figure of her classic made yet that has done her justice, so it looks like the fans are ready. There are plenty of great female base figures to make her on, just include her pistol and make sure the skirt is soft enough not to hinder the articulation.
The number nine spot brings us our first tie. Both characters received 49 votes. Up first but moving down a spot from last year’s top ten is:
9. Squirrel Girl
She’s become a very popular choice the last few years as she’s been a regular in multiple comic series and will be a main character in Marvel’s Freeform show New Warriors. In her second trip to the top ten, she made a big jump up from 27 to 49 votes this year. The fur may prove to be a challenge, but an overlay like they used on Man-Thing may need to be used here.
Also gaining 49 votes and tying for the ninth spot is the X-Men patriarch:
9. Professor Xavier
Just about all the votes for Professor X included his hover chair too, so it seems this look is the one the masses want most. It’s been a long time since a figure of Xavier has been made. Now with the updated suit body used on characters like Chameleon, Purple Man, and Agent Coulson, this seems like an easy choice. The hover chair may require him to be a build-a-figure, but who wouldn’t want to collect an entire wave of X-characters to get to build him or his chair?
At number eight and making a huge jump in the vote totals from 19 to 53 is:
8. Doctor Octopus.
This is definitely one of my big wants. We’ve received quite a few classic Spidey villains over the past couple of years, but getting a new Doc Ock with some well crafted, functioning tentacles would be awesome! This is another one that I feel is just a matter of time before we get a new updated figure.
Number seven brings another classic villain that is sorely needing an updated figure. Kingpin grabbed 60 votes to make his first appearance into the Fwoosh top ten.
7. Kingpin
There were a few votes for a Netflix version included among the Kingpin votes, and I’m fine with that as long as the figure is massive and menacing. Just make sure he’s in a ridiculously expensive suit and toss in a cane for an accessory. I could even see him needing to anchor a wave as a build-a-figure as he will need a new one-off sculpt.
Yet another big name villain makes his way into the top ten at number six:
6. Dr. Doom
Although the last Dr. Doom figure we got was almost a decade ago, it’s still not bad and was one of Hasbro’s better, earlier figures. With the improvements Hasbro has made in figure quality over the last few years, I’d imagine an updated figure of the Fantastic Four foe would really blow our collecting skirts up. Plus, with the Fantastic Four team being released one-by-one as Walgreens exclusives, you have to figure it’s only a matter of time before we get a Doom figure to rule our shelves with an iron fist.
Starting the top five is a return member from last year’s top ten:
5. Beast
Hank McCoy amassed an enormous 80 vote total this year, and it’s pretty obvious the collecting community wants an updated figure of him. The Jim Lee version was, again, the preferred look the voters asked for. This may require a devoted, one-off sculpt to be done right, so maybe using that sculpt with a couple different head sculpts allowing for a few different versions of him to be released may work. Whatever it takes — a new Beast figure is definitely needed.
Another villain makes the list at number four. This time though it’s the Mutant menace known as:
4. Magneto
Magneto has now made multiple trips into the Fwoosh top ten, making it pretty obvious the collecting community is ready for an all new update to the X-Men villain. The last one Hasbro made was on an outdated base body and isn’t up to today’s standards. A character like Magneto deserves a great figure and hopefully we get one soon.
Down two spots from last year but still making the top five is everyone’s favorite Cajun stereotype character:
3. Gambit
Our Jim Lee-era Rogue figure is still in need of her beau. It just doesn’t seem right not to have him to go with her on our shelves. Besides that, the old ToyBiz Gambit figure just doesn’t look right next to today’s Legends figures. One of the middle-sized male base bodies would be ideal for Remy. Hopefully this gets righted soon.
The number two spot brings us our second tie of the top ten. Both gained 96 votes, which is a huge vote total. First up is last year’s number two vote getter:
2. Psylocke
Last year Psylocke had 46 votes to put her into third place. This year, even though she jumped up to a whopping 96 votes, she only jumped up one spot to get into second place. There were a few other votes for her armored look, but it looks like for the vast majority of collectors, her scantily clad, ninja look is preferred. Again there are plenty of female base bodies that could work for her making it an easy figure to create. Make sure she comes equipped with her swords and a psychic knife attachment and you’ll have a winner.
The other tied spot for number two is last year’s number four,
2. Nightcrawler
Everyone’s favorite fuzzy blue mutant is well deserving of a new figure, according to the collectors. The old ToyBiz figure is still pretty good, but I have to imagine an updated version with some great added, well-functioning articulation would be a hot commodity.
And finally coming in at the top spot once again is Storm making her back-to-back top ten champ.
- Storm
Classic was definitely the preferred costume choice, but once again the Jim Lee era and punk Storm were popular choices. Storm brought in a record shattering 115 votes to easily win the top ten vote. The Storm figure Hasbro released a few years ago is nice, but it’s not one of her three most popular looks, and it seems that is what the fans really want. Classic would be my preferred choice, but I wouldn’t be opposed to buying either of her other two looks as well.
And for the winner of the Build-a-Figure poll?
I mean at this point it’s ridiculous how many times the big fella has won this. Come on, Hasbro, get to it! Hopefully with the Inhumans TV show debuting this fall, Lockjaw will finally find his way into anchoring a wave of Legends as the build-a-figure.
Well, that’s it for this year’s top ten results. What do you think? Did your choices make the cut? Any surprises? Let us know what you think!
Here are the full vote totals for this year’s top ten:
Storm | 115 | ||||||
Nightcrawler | 96 | ||||||
Psylocke | 96 | ||||||
Gambit | 89 | ||||||
Magneto | 82 | ||||||
Beast | 80 | ||||||
Doctor Doom | 63 | ||||||
Kingpin | 60 | ||||||
Doc Ock | 53 | ||||||
Professor X | 49 | ||||||
Squirrel Girl | 49 | ||||||
Mystique | 41 | ||||||
Firestar | 37 | ||||||
Luke Cage [Netflix] | 34 | ||||||
Emma Frost | 33 | ||||||
Elektra | 32 | ||||||
Scorpion | 32 | ||||||
Executioner | 30 | ||||||
Silver Samurai | 29 | ||||||
Multiple Man | 28 | ||||||
Wolverine [Tiger Stripe] | 28 | ||||||
Loki | 27 | ||||||
Colossus | 26 | ||||||
Northstar | 26 | ||||||
Jubilee | 25 | ||||||
Blink | 24 | ||||||
Coleen Wing | 24 | ||||||
Quasar | 23 | ||||||
Hercules | 22 | ||||||
Shang Chi | 22 | ||||||
Thor (Classic) | 22 | ||||||
Silver Surfer | 21 | ||||||
Kitty Pride [Excalibur] | 20 | ||||||
Crystal | 19 | ||||||
Vision [MCU] | 19 | ||||||
Nighthawk | 18 | ||||||
Quicksilver | 18 | ||||||
Sabertooth | 18 | ||||||
Sunspot | 18 | ||||||
Thing | 18 | ||||||
Megan [Excalibur] | 17 | ||||||
Mister Sinister | 17 | ||||||
America Chavez | 16 | ||||||
Dagger | 16 | ||||||
Iron Fist (Netflix) | 16 | ||||||
Omega Red | 16 | ||||||
Snowbird | 16 | ||||||
Spider-Ham | 16 | ||||||
Spider-Man [Noir] | 16 | ||||||
Attuma | 15 | ||||||
Iron Man [Classic] | 15 | ||||||
Rachel Summers | 15 | ||||||
Blue Marvel | 14 | ||||||
Cannonball | 14 | ||||||
Count Nefaria | 14 | ||||||
Heimdall | 14 | ||||||
Jack of Hearts | 14 | ||||||
Mandarin | 14 | ||||||
Night Thrasher | 14 | ||||||
Cloak | 13 | ||||||
Falcon | 13 | ||||||
Rictor | 13 | ||||||
Toad | 13 | ||||||
Bishop | 12 | ||||||
Dani Moonstar | 12 | ||||||
Grey Gargoyle | 12 | ||||||
Hand Ninja | 12 | ||||||
Hulk | 12 | ||||||
Kaine | 12 | ||||||
Magik | 12 | ||||||
Wolfbane | 12 | ||||||
Howard the Duck | 11 | ||||||
Ironheart [Riri Williams] | 11 | ||||||
Molecule Man | 11 | ||||||
Spiral | 11 | ||||||
Wolverine [Laura Kinney] | 11 | ||||||
Aurora | 10 | ||||||
Beta Ray Bill | 10 | ||||||
Mephisto | 10 | ||||||
Moondragon | 10 | ||||||
Old Man Spider | 10 | ||||||
Quake | 10 | ||||||
Thunderbird | 10 | ||||||
Typhoid Mary | 10 | ||||||
White Rabbit | 10 | ||||||
Archangel | 9 | ||||||
Banshee | 9 | ||||||
Crimson Dynamo | 9 | ||||||
Destiny | 9 | ||||||
Goblin Queen | 9 | ||||||
High Evolutionary | 9 | ||||||
Jean Grey [Gold and Blue] | 9 | ||||||
Kang the Conqueror | 9 | ||||||
Lilandra | 9 | ||||||
Moon Girl | 9 | ||||||
Pixie | 9 | ||||||
Rom | 9 | ||||||
Shriek | 9 | ||||||
Vision | 9 | ||||||
Warpath | 9 | ||||||
Baron Mordo | 8 | ||||||
Black Knight | 8 | ||||||
Captain America [Secret Empire] | 8 | ||||||
Citizen V | 8 | ||||||
Death’s Head | 8 | ||||||
Ghost Rider [90s Danny Ketch] | 8 | ||||||
Gorgon | 8 | ||||||
Karnak | 8 | ||||||
Puma | 8 | ||||||
Slapstick | 8 | ||||||
Speed Ball | 8 | ||||||
Taskmaster (classic) | 8 | ||||||
Balder the Brave | 7 | ||||||
Boom Boom | 7 | ||||||
Cyclops [Champions] | 7 | ||||||
Deathbird | 7 | ||||||
Doctor Strange[Classic] | 7 | ||||||
Ghost Rider [Robbie Reyes] | 7 | ||||||
Jocasta | 7 | ||||||
Longshot | 7 | ||||||
Luke Cage | 7 | ||||||
Ms Marvel [Dark Avengers] | 7 | ||||||
Prowler | 7 | ||||||
Quicksilver [MCU] | 7 | ||||||
War Machine | 7 | ||||||
Wiccan | 7 | ||||||
Clea | 6 | ||||||
Diamond Back | 6 | ||||||
Dr Bong | 6 | ||||||
Feral | 6 | ||||||
Firelord | 6 | ||||||
Forge | 6 | ||||||
Gladiator (Melvin Potter) | 6 | ||||||
Guardian | 6 | ||||||
Havok [X-Factor] | 6 | ||||||
Maverick | 6 | ||||||
Namorita | 6 | ||||||
Ronan [MCU] | 6 | ||||||
Silver Sable | 6 | ||||||
Starhawk | 6 | ||||||
Stingray | 6 | ||||||
Tigra | 6 | ||||||
Triton | 6 | ||||||
Viv Vision | 6 | ||||||
Vulture | 6 | ||||||
Adam Warlock | 5 | ||||||
Avalanche | 5 | ||||||
Black Tom Cassidy | 5 | ||||||
Captain Marvel [Monica Rambeau] | 5 | ||||||
Corsair | 5 | ||||||
Cosmo the Dog | 5 | ||||||
Dracula | 5 | ||||||
Dracula [Armor] | 5 | ||||||
Ghost Rider (MCU) | 5 | ||||||
Graviton | 5 | ||||||
Gwen Stacy | 5 | ||||||
Hellstorm | 5 | ||||||
Hogun | 5 | ||||||
Hulk [Amadeus Cho] | 5 | ||||||
Hulkling | 5 | ||||||
Hydro Man | 5 | ||||||
Lady Deathstrike | 5 | ||||||
Mantis [Classic] | 5 | ||||||
Marrow | 5 | ||||||
Peggy Carter | 5 | ||||||
Rogue [Modern Green] | 5 | ||||||
Ronan | 5 | ||||||
Shaman | 5 | ||||||
Siryn | 5 | ||||||
Sleepwalker | 5 | ||||||
Starfox | 5 | ||||||
Swarm | 5 | ||||||
Titania | 5 | ||||||
Wonder Man [Safari Jacket] | 5 | ||||||
Anole | 4 | ||||||
Ant Man [classic] | 4 | ||||||
Armor | 4 | ||||||
Bug | 4 | ||||||
Cardiac | 4 | ||||||
Daredevil (Netflix black outfit) | 4 | ||||||
Dazzler [Outback with jacket] | 4 | ||||||
Deadpool [MCU] | 4 | ||||||
Doppelganger | 4 | ||||||
Fandral | 4 | ||||||
Iron Man [Extremis] | 4 | ||||||
Iron Spider | 4 | ||||||
Jigsaw | 4 | ||||||
Matt Murdock | 4 | ||||||
Moon Knight [Mr Knight] | 4 | ||||||
Morg | 4 | ||||||
Morlun | 4 | ||||||
Nomad | 4 | ||||||
Nova [Frankie Raye] | 4 | ||||||
Phyla-Vell | 4 | ||||||
Prodigy | 4 | ||||||
Proxima Midnight | 4 | ||||||
Pyro | 4 | ||||||
Rage | 4 | ||||||
Rescue | 4 | ||||||
She-Hulk | 4 | ||||||
Shocker [Classic] | 4 | ||||||
Strong Guy | 4 | ||||||
Thunderstrike | 4 | ||||||
Wizard | 4 | ||||||
Yellow Jacket [MCU] | 4 | ||||||
Yondu | 4 | ||||||
Ant-Man [MCU] | 3 | ||||||
Ant-Man [Scott Lang] | 3 | ||||||
Arcade | 3 | ||||||
Beyonder | 3 | ||||||
Calypso | 3 | ||||||
Charlie 27 | 3 | ||||||
Crossbones (MCU) | 3 | ||||||
Diablo | 3 | ||||||
Exodus | 3 | ||||||
Frog Man | 3 | ||||||
Hellcow | 3 | ||||||
Iceman [classic] | 3 | ||||||
Iron Man [mk VII MCU] | 3 | ||||||
Jack Flag | 3 | ||||||
Ka-Zar | 3 | ||||||
Mach-X | 3 | ||||||
Magma | 3 | ||||||
Malekith | 3 | ||||||
Martinex | 3 | ||||||
Molly Hayes | 3 | ||||||
Morph | 3 | ||||||
Mr. Hyde | 3 | ||||||
Mystique [ MCU ] | 3 | ||||||
Norman Osborn | 3 | ||||||
Penance | 3 | ||||||
Peter Parker | 3 | ||||||
Psycho Man | 3 | ||||||
Rachel Grey (Excalibur) | 3 | ||||||
Revanche | 3 | ||||||
Rocket Raccoon [80’s] | 3 | ||||||
Scream | 3 | ||||||
Sebastian Shaw | 3 | ||||||
Selene | 3 | ||||||
Shadow King | 3 | ||||||
Shark-Girl | 3 | ||||||
Sif [MCU] | 3 | ||||||
Spider-Woman [Modern] | 3 | ||||||
Stilt Man | 3 | ||||||
Super Skrull | 3 | ||||||
The Collector (MCU) | 3 | ||||||
The Hood | 3 | ||||||
The Orb | 3 | ||||||
Thor [Ultimate] | 3 | ||||||
Troll | 3 | ||||||
Volstagg | 3 | ||||||
Wasp [MCU] | 3 | ||||||
Whiplash | 3 | ||||||
X-Man [Nate Grey] | 3 | ||||||
Agent Carter [ABC Show] | 2 | ||||||
Agent Melinda May | 2 | ||||||
Ahab | 2 | ||||||
Ancient One | 2 | ||||||
Angel | 2 | ||||||
Ant-Man [Eric O’Grady] | 2 | ||||||
Aunt May | 2 | ||||||
Baron Blood | 2 | ||||||
Baron von Strucker | 2 | ||||||
Black Tarantula | 2 | ||||||
Blacklash | 2 | ||||||
Boomerang [Classic] | 2 | ||||||
Bruce Banner | 2 | ||||||
Captain Britain [Excalibur] | 2 | ||||||
Captain Ultra | 2 | ||||||
Carrion | 2 | ||||||
Chase Stein | 2 | ||||||
Claire Temple [MCU] | 2 | ||||||
Corvus Glaive | 2 | ||||||
Crossbones | 2 | ||||||
Cyclops [Phoenix 5] | 2 | ||||||
Daken | 2 | ||||||
Demolition Man | 2 | ||||||
Echo | 2 | ||||||
Edwin Jarvis [comics] | 2 | ||||||
Foolkiller [Greg Salinger] | 2 | ||||||
Gamora [Marvel Now] | 2 | ||||||
Gorr | 2 | ||||||
Hellfire Club Guard | 2 | ||||||
Hydra Cap | 2 | ||||||
Hyperion | 2 | ||||||
Infamous Iron Man (Doctor Doom) | 2 | ||||||
Inferno | 2 | ||||||
Iron Fist [Classic] | 2 | ||||||
Iron Fist [Orson Randall] | 2 | ||||||
Iron Man [Silver Centurion] | 2 | ||||||
Iron patriot | 2 | ||||||
Justice | 2 | ||||||
Karma | 2 | ||||||
Karnilla | 2 | ||||||
Karolina Dean | 2 | ||||||
Kid Loki | 2 | ||||||
Lady Deadpool | 2 | ||||||
Leader | 2 | ||||||
Legion | 2 | ||||||
Lilith [daughter of Dracula] | 2 | ||||||
Living Laser | 2 | ||||||
Madame Web [classic] | 2 | ||||||
Madcap | 2 | ||||||
Mania | 2 | ||||||
Marinna | 2 | ||||||
Mastermind | 2 | ||||||
Maximus | 2 | ||||||
Mesmero | 2 | ||||||
Mimic | 2 | ||||||
Mindless Ones | 2 | ||||||
Mister Negative | 2 | ||||||
Monet St. Croix | 2 | ||||||
Mr. Negative | 2 | ||||||
Nate Gray | 2 | ||||||
Nebula (Classic) | 2 | ||||||
Nick fury [sam jackson] | 2 | ||||||
Nightmare | 2 | ||||||
Owl | 2 | ||||||
Phage | 2 | ||||||
Phantom Rider | 2 | ||||||
Photon | 2 | ||||||
Polaris [X Factor] | 2 | ||||||
Power Man [classic] | 2 | ||||||
Power Princess | 2 | ||||||
Prowler | 2 | ||||||
Puck | 2 | ||||||
Rachel Summers | 2 | ||||||
Random | 2 | ||||||
Rogue [Modern] | 2 | ||||||
Rogue [Outback] | 2 | ||||||
Scarlet Spider [Kaine] | 2 | ||||||
She-Hulk [Single Green Female/Lawyer] | 2 | ||||||
Skrull | 2 | ||||||
Sphinx | 2 | ||||||
Spidercide | 2 | ||||||
Spider-Man [Japan] | 2 | ||||||
Spot | 2 | ||||||
Stick | 2 | ||||||
Superior Octopus | 2 | ||||||
Swordsman | 2 | ||||||
Talisman | 2 | ||||||
T-Ray | 2 | ||||||
Ultron [Rage of Ultron] | 2 | ||||||
US Agent | 2 | ||||||
Vapor | 2 | ||||||
Vector | 2 | ||||||
Vengeance | 2 | ||||||
Venom | 2 | ||||||
Vertigo | 2 | ||||||
Void | 2 | ||||||
Warriors Three | 2 | ||||||
White Tiger [Hector Ayala] | 2 | ||||||
Wizard | 2 | ||||||
Wolverine [Patch] | 2 | ||||||
X-Ray | 2 | ||||||
Zaran | 2 | ||||||
Zarathos | 2 | ||||||
Aarkon | 1 | ||||||
Abigail Brand | 1 | ||||||
A-Bomb | 1 | ||||||
Abraham Whistler | 1 | ||||||
Agatha Harkness | 1 | ||||||
Agent Phil Coulson | 1 | ||||||
Agent Venom [Thunderbolts] | 1 | ||||||
Agony | 1 | ||||||
Air-Walker [Gabriel Lan] | 1 | ||||||
Alistair Smythe | 1 | ||||||
Amor | 1 | ||||||
Anaconda | 1 | ||||||
Ancient One [mcu] | 1 | ||||||
Aneka | 1 | ||||||
Annihilus | 1 | ||||||
Aries [Marcus Lassiter] | 1 | ||||||
Armored Spider-man | 1 | ||||||
Askani Son | 1 | ||||||
Atlas [classic] | 1 | ||||||
Ayo | 1 | ||||||
Azazel | 1 | ||||||
Baron Zemo II | 1 | ||||||
Barracuda | 1 | ||||||
Basil Elks Basilisk | 1 | ||||||
Bastion | 1 | ||||||
Battlestar | 1 | ||||||
Beast | 1 | ||||||
Bengal | 1 | ||||||
Bi-Beast | 1 | ||||||
Big Bertha | 1 | ||||||
Black Cat | 1 | ||||||
Black Dwarf [MCU] | 1 | ||||||
Black Knight [Nathan Garrett] | 1 | ||||||
Black Panther MCU | 1 | ||||||
Black Queen(Selene Gallio) | 1 | ||||||
Black Spectre | 1 | ||||||
Blackheart Agents of Shield | 1 | ||||||
Blade [movie] | 1 | ||||||
Blade Original Costume [Tomb of Dracula] | 1 | ||||||
Blastaar ( original costume ) | 1 | ||||||
Blazing Skull | 1 | ||||||
Bobby Drake | 1 | ||||||
Box | 1 | ||||||
Brood | 1 | ||||||
Brother Voodoo [Classic] | 1 | ||||||
Bruce Banner [Old Man Logan] | 1 | ||||||
Bucky | 1 | ||||||
Bucky Barnes:Winter Soldier | 1 | ||||||
Cable [Mesiah] | 1 | ||||||
Cable [Ultimate] | 1 | ||||||
Cable Movie | 1 | ||||||
Caiera the Oldstrong | 1 | ||||||
Caliban (Classic) | 1 | ||||||
Captain America [Earth X] | 1 | ||||||
Captain America [Sam Wilson] | 1 | ||||||
Captain marvel (Danvers, better deco) | 1 | ||||||
Captain Marvel [Mar-Vell] | 1 | ||||||
Carnage [Mark Bagley] | 1 | ||||||
Centurius | 1 | ||||||
Circuit-Breaker | 1 | ||||||
Collen Wing [Netflix] | 1 | ||||||
Copperhead | 1 | ||||||
Cottonmouth (Netflix) | 1 | ||||||
Cul the Serpent | 1 | ||||||
Cyber | 1 | ||||||
Cyclops [AoA] | 1 | ||||||
Cyclops [Astonishing] | 1 | ||||||
Cyclops [New X-Men] | 1 | ||||||
Cypher | 1 | ||||||
Damian Hellstorm | 1 | ||||||
Dan Ketch/Ghost Rider [90’s version] | 1 | ||||||
Danger | 1 | ||||||
Darkstar | 1 | ||||||
Davos [Steel Phoenix] | 1 | ||||||
Dawn Greenwood (Silver Surfer’s partner) | 1 | ||||||
Dazzler (punk) | 1 | ||||||
Dazzler [90’s] | 1 | ||||||
Deadpool [Pirate] | 1 | ||||||
Death Adder | 1 | ||||||
Debrii | 1 | ||||||
Demogoblin | 1 | ||||||
Destroyer | 1 | ||||||
Devil Dinosaur | 1 | ||||||
D-Man | 1 | ||||||
Doc Samson | 1 | ||||||
Doctor Spectrum | 1 | ||||||
Doctor Strange (The Oath costume) | 1 | ||||||
Domino [90s X-Force] | 1 | ||||||
Doom 2099 | 1 | ||||||
Doombots | 1 | ||||||
Doop | 1 | ||||||
Dora Milaje | 1 | ||||||
Dough Boy [Marvel team up 137] | 1 | ||||||
Dr. Druid | 1 | ||||||
Drax (classic cape) | 1 | ||||||
Dreadknight | 1 | ||||||
Dum Dum Dugan [Howling Commandos] | 1 | ||||||
Ebony Maw [MCU] | 1 | ||||||
El Aguila | 1 | ||||||
Elsa Bloodstone [Monsters Unleashed] | 1 | ||||||
Enigma [Aikku Jokinen] | 1 | ||||||
Eros | 1 | ||||||
Fabian Cortez | 1 | ||||||
Fallen one | 1 | ||||||
Fang (Classic I.G.) | 1 | ||||||
Fantomex | 1 | ||||||
Firebird | 1 | ||||||
First avenger Captain America | 1 | ||||||
Fixer | 1 | ||||||
Flag-Smasher | 1 | ||||||
Foggy Nelson [netflix] | 1 | ||||||
Forbush Man | 1 | ||||||
Franken-Castle | 1 | ||||||
Frankenstein | 1 | ||||||
Franklin Richards | 1 | ||||||
Frenzy | 1 | ||||||
Freya [comics] | 1 | ||||||
Gamora | 1 | ||||||
Gargoyle [Isaac Christians] | 1 | ||||||
Generation X (the original team in original suits) | 1 | ||||||
Ghost rider 2099 | 1 | ||||||
Gorgolla | 1 | ||||||
Graydon Creed | 1 | ||||||
Grizzly | 1 | ||||||
Gwenom | 1 | ||||||
Halloween Jack | 1 | ||||||
Hammerhead | 1 | ||||||
Havol [AoA] | 1 | ||||||
Hawkeye [Byrne] | 1 | ||||||
Hawkeye [Old Man Logan] | 1 | ||||||
Hawkeye [t-Shirt] | 1 | ||||||
Hercules | 1 | ||||||
Hit monkey | 1 | ||||||
Hornet | 1 | ||||||
Hulk [Merged] | 1 | ||||||
Human Torch [Golden Age] | 1 | ||||||
Husk | 1 | ||||||
Hybrid [Scott Washington] | 1 | ||||||
Hydra Bob | 1 | ||||||
Hypno-Hustler | 1 | ||||||
Ikaris | 1 | ||||||
Ikonn [Spaceknight] | 1 | ||||||
Impossible Man | 1 | ||||||
In-between Bruce Banner and Hulk | 1 | ||||||
Iron Fist [Heroes For Hire] | 1 | ||||||
Iron Man [House of M] | 1 | ||||||
Iron Man [Modular Armor] | 1 | ||||||
IronClad | 1 | ||||||
Isaiah Bradley | 1 | ||||||
J Jonah Jameson | 1 | ||||||
Jackal [Clone Saga] | 1 | ||||||
Jane Foster [young, comics] | 1 | ||||||
Jean Grey [Frank Quitely] | 1 | ||||||
Jimmy Hudson ( Ultimate wolverines son) | 1 | ||||||
Johnny Blaze [90’s version] | 1 | ||||||
Jolt | 1 | ||||||
Joseph Wade Scarlet Spider | 1 | ||||||
Joystick | 1 | ||||||
JR Walker Shotgun | 1 | ||||||
Julie Power [Power Pack] | 1 | ||||||
Kid Omega | 1 | ||||||
Kilgrave [Netflix] | 1 | ||||||
Killraven | 1 | ||||||
Korg | 1 | ||||||
Kree Soldiers | 1 | ||||||
Lady Bullseye | 1 | ||||||
Lady hydra | 1 | ||||||
Lady Mastermind | 1 | ||||||
Lady Shiklah | 1 | ||||||
Leader | 1 | ||||||
Leap Frog | 1 | ||||||
Leonardo Da Vinci [S.H.I.E.L.D] | 1 | ||||||
Lizard (First appearance) | 1 | ||||||
Logan (young with his bike) | 1 | ||||||
Lyra | 1 | ||||||
M | 1 | ||||||
Mach-1 | 1 | ||||||
Machete | 1 | ||||||
Machinesmith | 1 | ||||||
Mach-IV | 1 | ||||||
Madame Gao [Netflix Daredevil] | 1 | ||||||
Madame Hydra (a re-do) | 1 | ||||||
Maelstrom | 1 | ||||||
Maggot | 1 | ||||||
Magique | 1 | ||||||
Magneto [AoA] | 1 | ||||||
Man Wolf | 1 | ||||||
Mandarin/Trevor(Ben Kingsley from MCU) | 1 | ||||||
Manspider | 1 | ||||||
Mantra [classic] | 1 | ||||||
Marvel Zombies | 1 | ||||||
Master Mind | 1 | ||||||
Master of the World | 1 | ||||||
Menace [Brand New Day] | 1 | ||||||
Meteorite | 1 | ||||||
Mettle | 1 | ||||||
Miek | 1 | ||||||
Mighty Thor [Bearded] | 1 | ||||||
Miles Morales | 1 | ||||||
Miracleman | 1 | ||||||
Mirage | 1 | ||||||
Mockingbird [Classic] | 1 | ||||||
Morgan Le Fey | 1 | ||||||
Mr. Fish | 1 | ||||||
Mr. Immortal | 1 | ||||||
Mr. Sinister [AoA] | 1 | ||||||
Ms. Marvel [Classic] | 1 | ||||||
Namor [Phoenix 5] | 1 | ||||||
Namora | 1 | ||||||
Nekra | 1 | ||||||
Neutron (Classic I.G.) | 1 | ||||||
Night Crawler | 1 | ||||||
Night Hawk | 1 | ||||||
No | 1 | ||||||
Noh-varr | 1 | ||||||
Obnoxio the Clown [Deadpool Back In Black] | 1 | ||||||
Oddball | 1 | ||||||
Odin [MCU – Anthony Hopkins] | 1 | ||||||
old man Logan [Logan] | 1 | ||||||
Omega Sentinel | 1 | ||||||
Omega The Unknown | 1 | ||||||
Oracle | 1 | ||||||
Orb | 1 | ||||||
Orson Randall [MCU] | 1 | ||||||
Overdrive | 1 | ||||||
Ozymandias | 1 | ||||||
Plantman [cape and mask] | 1 | ||||||
Porcupine | 1 | ||||||
Pork Grind | 1 | ||||||
Predator X | 1 | ||||||
Prime | 1 | ||||||
Princess Python | 1 | ||||||
Prototype [Ruiz] | 1 | ||||||
Psyklop [classic Hulk/Avengers villain] | 1 | ||||||
Puff Adder | 1 | ||||||
Punisher (Thunderbolts) | 1 | ||||||
Punisher [Bradstreet] | 1 | ||||||
Punisher [The Punisher MAX] | 1 | ||||||
Punisher [War Machine Armor] | 1 | ||||||
Punisher 2099 | 1 | ||||||
Puppet Master | 1 | ||||||
Purple Man [Netflix] | 1 | ||||||
Pymtron | 1 | ||||||
Quentin Quire | 1 | ||||||
Rachel Van Helsing [Tomb of Dracula] | 1 | ||||||
Rainbow [Spaceknight] | 1 | ||||||
Rattler | 1 | ||||||
Red Guardian II [Tanya Belinsky] | 1 | ||||||
Red Hulk | 1 | ||||||
Red King | 1 | ||||||
Red Skull | 1 | ||||||
Reignfire | 1 | ||||||
Reptil | 1 | ||||||
Reptilla | 1 | ||||||
Rick Jones | 1 | ||||||
Ricochet | 1 | ||||||
Riot | 1 | ||||||
Robbie Reyes | 1 | ||||||
Rockslide | 1 | ||||||
Rogue [AoA] | 1 | ||||||
Rogue [Eighties] | 1 | ||||||
Rogue [Legacy] | 1 | ||||||
Ruby Thursday | 1 | ||||||
Sage [X-treme X-men] | 1 | ||||||
Sasquatch | 1 | ||||||
Scarecrow | 1 | ||||||
Scarlet Witch (modern) | 1 | ||||||
Scarlet Witch Force Works | 1 | ||||||
Scarlett Witch [MCU] | 1 | ||||||
Scorn | 1 | ||||||
Scourge [Classic] | 1 | ||||||
Screaming Mimi | 1 | ||||||
Sersi | 1 | ||||||
Shanna the She-Devil | 1 | ||||||
Sharon Carter (MCU) | 1 | ||||||
She-Hulk (Fantastic Four) | 1 | ||||||
Shiklah | 1 | ||||||
Shocker (MCU) | 1 | ||||||
Shroud | 1 | ||||||
Shuma-Gorath [MvC3] | 1 | ||||||
Shuri | 1 | ||||||
Sidewinder | 1 | ||||||
Silhouette [New Warriors] | 1 | ||||||
Silk | 1 | ||||||
Sinister [modern] | 1 | ||||||
Skullfire | 1 | ||||||
Skurge the Executioner | 1 | ||||||
Smythe [90’s] | 1 | ||||||
Solo | 1 | ||||||
Son of Satan | 1 | ||||||
Spectrum [modern] variant | 1 | ||||||
Speed | 1 | ||||||
Spider Slayer [Classic] | 1 | ||||||
Spider-Man [1602] | 1 | ||||||
Spider-Man [Armor] | 1 | ||||||
Sprite | 1 | ||||||
Stan Lee | 1 | ||||||
Starbolt | 1 | ||||||
Starbrand | 1 | ||||||
Stardust | 1 | ||||||
Star-Lord[ANAD GOTG] | 1 | ||||||
Stature | 1 | ||||||
Steel Serpent | 1 | ||||||
Steel-Spider | 1 | ||||||
Stepford Cuckoo | 1 | ||||||
Stinger | 1 | ||||||
Sugar Man | 1 | ||||||
Sun Girl | 1 | ||||||
Superior Carnage | 1 | ||||||
Superior Spider Man [First Suit] | 1 | ||||||
Syrin | 1 | ||||||
Tabitha Smith [Meltdown costume] | 1 | ||||||
Tarantula | 1 | ||||||
Taskmaster[udon] | 1 | ||||||
Techno | 1 | ||||||
Tempest (Classic I.G.) | 1 | ||||||
Tempus | 1 | ||||||
Thanos [classic] | 1 | ||||||
The Brothers Grimm | 1 | ||||||
The Hand [Ninja troop builder] | 1 | ||||||
The Maker [Ultimate Reed Richards] | 1 | ||||||
The Mandarin [Acts of Vengeance] | 1 | ||||||
The Orphan (Mr. Sensitive) | 1 | ||||||
The Reader | 1 | ||||||
The Spot | 1 | ||||||
The Stranger | 1 | ||||||
Thor [Esad Ribic] | 1 | ||||||
Thunderer | 1 | ||||||
Titan BAF (Classic I.G.) | 1 | ||||||
Tony Stark | 1 | ||||||
Uatu The Watcher | 1 | ||||||
Ultron [classic] | 1 | ||||||
Ulysses | 1 | ||||||
Umar | 1 | ||||||
Vanguard | 1 | ||||||
Varnae | 1 | ||||||
Venom [X-23] | 1 | ||||||
Veranke [skrull queen] | 1 | ||||||
Vermin | 1 | ||||||
Vindicator [Heather Hudson] | 1 | ||||||
Vintage packaging Hulk | 1 | ||||||
Vulcan | 1 | ||||||
War Wolves | 1 | ||||||
Wasp (Modern) | 1 | ||||||
Wasp [Nadia Van Dyne] | 1 | ||||||
Watcher | 1 | ||||||
Werewolf by night | 1 | ||||||
Whiplash [MCU] | 1 | ||||||
White Fox | 1 | ||||||
White Tiger (Kasper Cole) | 1 | ||||||
Whizzer | 1 | ||||||
Widget | 1 | ||||||
Wild Thing [Rina Logan] | 1 | ||||||
Wilson Fisk | 1 | ||||||
Winter Soldier [Thunderbolts] | 1 | ||||||
Wolverine [AoA] | 1 | ||||||
Wonder Man [1st appearance] | 1 | ||||||
Wong | 1 | ||||||
WW2 Captain America | 1 | ||||||
X-Cutioner | 1 | ||||||
Xorn | 1 | ||||||
Yellow Jacket [comic] | 1 | ||||||
Zoe Zimmer [pink hair streaks] | 1 |