I’m going to avoid the obvious “Sexy Rexy” moniker here. But I will say that’s this character’s name is Captain Rex. And this is one attractive figure.
I was afraid I wasn’t going to get this after not being able to travel to HasCon, but thanks to the assistance of RoCk I got one, along with X-Force Deadpool. But Rex was the biggie. And he doesn’t disappoint.
Sure, he doesn’t have the touted Photo Real tech for the face paint but to tell you the truth I think I could have done without the unmasked head hiding beneath the lid. Don’t get me wrong, it’s neat, but it kind of cuts down on the articulation when the helmet is on. The shoulder rig doesn’t help here either but I can’t fault it too much. It just looks too awesome.
Hasbro also went back and tweaked some of the range of movement. There are a lot of new parts, huge fan of the welded seams, but even though I would have first guessed the arms are reuse, they aren’t. Not quite. If they are they have at least been altered a bit to give Rex nearly full range of movement at the elbows. I wish there were up and down hinges at the wrists for the gunslinger poses but I still appreciate the extra mile in other places. Except the fact that I had to cut the index finger on the left hand away from the other fingers to get it on the trigger of the pistol. He dual wields!
On top of all that it sports nice dirty paint job…except on the inner shins. For some crazy reason that area is clean. Really clean. But that’s offset by the silver/copper of the welded seams and the blue paint and tally marks. The overall look is kind of stunning.
This figure doesn’t make me want Jango heads under Gree or Cody’s helmets, I’m perfectly good with them as they are. I’ll still buy the retail release of Rex next year to set off to the side with his helmet off to show off that (hopefully) realistic face paint. Most of all though, Rex makes me want more commanders and captains after my need for clones has cooled down over the past year or so.
Damn, I just realized that I also need an older Rex from Rebels too. And then an even older Rex from The Battle of Endor.
This Rexy truly is very sexy.