Never in my life have I ordered something online and received it the next day. Especially after paying only standard shipping. That’s the way to do a Marvel Legends exclusive, Walmart!
And the thing is, I didn’t even know I needed a new Black Panther. I was perfectly happy with the original version. I planned on skipping this. But make it this easy to get and I’m all over it. And I’m really glad I did.
This T’challa is 99 percent reuse from the first release, the only difference being the hands. The rest of the parts are borrowed. There’s the original Adam Warlock’s cape, Kraven’s necklace and spear, and Green Goblin’s belt. And then the figure actually has less paint apps than the the original’s blue highlighted overspray-covered self, being just cast in black and the gloves and belt having some gray detail. And of course the silver eyes. I thought that was all a recipe for a whole lot of blah.
I was wrong.
The simplicity has a charm to it, making it dynamic in its own right. The cape doesn’t interfere with the look at all, even if it was made for a figure several years older. In fact, it enhances the look, bringing in a regal factor to the figure. Royal. The straight black obscures detail and makes it almost stealthy. Just like the comics in some cases. It’s a beautiful thing in person.
But that’s just me. Some may look at this and think, “I like the first one, the overspray looks like comic highlights, and this is kind of lazy.” And that’s the beauty of this exclusive … you may not really need it. It’s nice, but it’s passable. Then again, you may prefer it, and in that instance you can jump on right now and get it. But if not, you already have a Black Panther on your shelf and can pass. No harm, no foul.
Clicking the link again, it’s already dropped in price from the original $19.87 to $17.XX, to now a $16.09. On top of that, my order was delivered to my house in about 24 hours, which is crazy considering my backwoods Arkansas address. I’m pretty damn happy all around here.