Because we just can’t get enough of the upcoming Marvel Knights Legends wave, here’s some hi-res images to tide us over until they are released. Which, as I understand it, will be sooner than we all think.
First of all, there’s Elektra.
Not the most exciting character in the set, but damn it, I still need her.
Mostly because she’ll go along nicely with Daredevil.
Who in turn needs someone to punch him in the face. Who better than Punisher?
And then to round out this wave’s Netflix offerings, Jessica Jones.
Moving into the comic realm there’s Blade.
And, of course, Bullseye. This is my baby, there’s just something about another Bullseye. It felt like the pinnacle when ToyBiz did theirs and now here we are, anxiously awaiting another.
Finally, the BAF of the wave, Man-Thing.