Psst … hey, I have some top secret Marvel Legends intel for you, and this is the only place you are going to get the scoop.
Did you guys know that the X-Men are like, really, really popular in Marvel Legends right now? Well, let me tell you – they are! What is that like the worst kept secret out there right now? That is not some cool intel? Well, rats, sorry guys, I thought I was on to something here.
In all seriousness, though, it has been so refreshing to see X-characters featured in Marvel Legends again, and the praises being sung online show that I am not alone in having that feeling. While I know some of it might be due to the shiny and new feel of it all, there is no denying the popularity of the X-Men, and there are so many iconic eras and beloved characters, Hasbro really has a deep spring to tap, so long as Marvel remains cool with it all. That is why I think there is a lot of opportunity for different releases and some vendor exclusives (they are already getting into this with the Cyclops/Dark Phoenix pack). Even I am wanting to complete teams from multiple eras, including the Jim Lee/’90s looks, so since that roster alone will need to take up quite a bit of space, I think we need to continue to explore some options.
So, I don’t need to beat around the bush for a lead-in to this: we need a “Giant Size X-Men” box set. That issue is one of the most important and iconic single books in the history of the X-Men, and it is what really put the team on the map and started their rise to popularity that has not waned to this day. Characters introduced in this book endure as some of the most popular to this day, and the costumes also remain iconic for much of the fan base. Plus, if we put together a 5-pack, Hasbro is already working on the roster with the recently released Sunfire, and the aforementioned upcoming Cyclops, so there is a real opportunity here.
I set the pack at five because it has been done before, and, really, if we got a 5-pack containing the right characters and smart amount of reuse to build the figures, I think the set would be MASSIVELY successful. Get Toys R Us or Big Bad Toy Store or Entertainment Earth to take (if it has to be a retailer exclusive) and I KNOW it would be wildly successful. I promise. It would be awesome. For sure.
So, what characters should be in the set? Well, for the most part, it is probably be pretty obvious, but here they are anyway. There is not one character on this list that could not make HEAVY use of existing parts, so that general requirement can be met with the following roster; really, the toughest part is choosing the requisite “anchor” character, but that would a good tough choice to have. So, here they are:
You know what is cool about this set? I don’t have to come up with some lame excuse to shoehorn my favorite character into a hypothetical assortment. So, yes, Colossus is my favorite X-Person (along with Kitty), and YES, we just got a Colossus figure in the last X-Men assortment, but that does not make his inclusion any less required. First, I don’t think this set is even worth doing without Colossus: he made his debut in GSX #1, and he has been a popular stalwart on the team ever since. Plus, while the new ML Colossus is a great figure, it is fair to say that the costume choice was not preferred by the majority of the people I see commenting online, and THIS costume is definitely his most iconic, and it spanned several different iterations of X-titles, so this figure would be applicable in a number of places. Plus, this figure could borrow parts from the previous figure, so that is a tooling win.
No, he didn’t make his debut in Giant-Size #1, and no, this would not be a debut figure of the character in ML, but it is a figure that is needed. First, he fits the longtime X-Man requirement, and since his original ML figure was released in the very first Hasbro ML wave way, way back, I am willing to bet that even they are ready to admit it is time for a new figure. You have to face facts, too – Banshee would be a “nude” base figure, so take one of the skinnier male base bodies, slap a new head and “wings” on it, and it is done. Easy peasy, and ever so needed.
This is the only way Thunderbird will get done. I know, even though he was a member of this second X-Men genesis, he died on the second mission, and such a short run is generally detrimental to a character getting an action figure. HOWEVER, since he is needed for this incarnation, a box set is the perfect place to get him done, especially since his figure would require so little in terms of new stuff. Really, just grab the Sentry body, add a new head, belt, and sleeve and boot flair pieces, and he is done. Like I said, Thunderbird is not happening as a single-card release, so it would be fun to get a figure of him in a box set, so this is really his only option.
Okay, so this is the biggie. Really, there is no reason why Mr. Wagner here could not qualify for a single release in a Build-a-Figure series as he is extremely popular, very important in terms team/historical reference, and he has not had a figure since the ToyBiz days. I mean, I am positive that there are collectors out there that would buy a 5-pack with a Nightcrawler ML and four figures made of Easy Cheese (I am likely one of them), but since this would be referencing a “throwback” look for him (as iconic as it is), his inclusion in a set might make more sense than it seems on the surface. Now, I do admit that he would likely take more new tooling than anyone else in the set, but a head, hands, feet, tail, and new torso (or costume overlay) on the Speed Demon base would look sharp and bring Kurt into the modern era of Marvel Legends quite nicely. Plus, he is popular enough that Hasbro could still release a more modern costume as a single figure, so no worries there.
Okay, so four of the five down, so that brings us to the requisite “anchor” character. Well, it would be really easy to put Wolverine here, I know. He was a part of the GSX lineup, and nothing sells like Wolvie when it comes to Mutants. But really, I believe someone else might actually be more tempting for collectors …
OMG, you guys, can we FINALLY get this figure? Collectors have been clamoring for a “first appearance” Storm for as long as Marvel Legends has been a thing, and we have been so damned close before that it almost feels like a sick joke that this has not happened yet. It is time. I will say it again: it is time. This might very well be Storm’s best look ever, and, really, most of the parts are there. Like Nightcrawler, Storm can carry this whole set all on her own, and again, she is popular enough that she can still get a single release in one of her many other costumes. Plus, Marvel Legends female figures are by far the best they have ever been, and Storm definitely deserves a shot to get an iconic look across in plastic. We have been waiting so long for this, so c’mon, Hasbro. Make it so.
Okay, this was not rocket science, and it is actually almost too easy. To me, this pack makes so much sense, and I am positive it would be wildly popular. Yeah, we will still need Wolverine, but c’mon, we can get him in somewhere since he is Wolverine and all. Having these five join Cyclops and Sunfire would be an absolute joy, so it almost feels like this is required. Plus, who doesn’t want to recreate that iconic cover to Giant-Size X-Men #1?
What do you say? Yes? No? Sound off in the comments and let your voice be heard! Oh, and Hasbro, let’s do this.