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Diamond Select: Marvel Select Guardians of the Galaxy Drax Video and Quick Pics

I saved the Marvel Select Guardians of the Galaxy Drax for last because I thought I wouldn’t like him as much as some of the others, even skipping this review to jump to Gamora and Rocket. But then I actually opened this. Holy … ! The figure is great but that pink Jolly Rancher ax is amazing!

Okay, maybe I’m playing up the ax for dramatic effect, but I can’t believe how much I like it. In the package it was all “Great, a pink ax. Totally going for the knife.” Then out of the package it was all like “GREAT! A pink ax!! Forget about the knife totally!”

Apparently my inner monologue takes on an ’80s valley girl vibe. Sometimes. Just sometimes.

Enough about the pink ax, though. The figure itself is awesome. The legs may be a tad long, but that doesn’t bother me much, especially when standing alongside Gamora, who also has a stylized long-legged look. But I love the musculature here; Drax just cuts a striking silhouette. The range in the torso is restricted like the rest of the set but that can be fixed.

When it comes right down to it, though, I have absolutely no problem displaying this in my Legends display too. As you can see by my comparison shot with my old, OLD Drax custom, I’ve always thought of his last regeneration as being tall, really tall. I’ve even seen people switching in the lower legs of the Entertainment Earth GotG pack Drax and it looks pretty good. But I think I’m displaying the Select team as a group by itself. Just an awesome, stylized, individual entity in a display of it’s own since I don’t have a lot of other Selects. I’m happy.

Did I mention that pink ax? So sweet …







Completed Base from all four figures:

