In a pre-Toy Fair event in New York today, Mezco showed off top pieces from their One:12 Collective, including some exclusive reveals! In addition to Marvel, DC, and Star Trek pieces already available, exciting new items included: Wolverine, Iron Man, Doctor Strange, Netflix Daredevil, Bones McCoy, the Ghostbusters, Evil Dead, and POPEYE!
I’ll let the pictures speak for themselves. I’m told that most of these will eventually have costume/deco variants (including Doctor Strange), but they’re holding off announcements for the time being. Also, don’t expect any further reveals at next week’s Toy Fair–they don’t plan to show/announce anything new beyond this until San Diego Comic Con.
Iron Man — yes, it’s a One:12 figure with no soft goods and I’m fine with that. I’m told he was originally pitched as having fabric arms and legs (to evoke the classic silver age Shellhead), but the design group decided that wouldn’t come off well. They approached the licensor about making a 1:12 Iron Man with no soft goods, and were given the okay. I personally couldn’t be happier, as this is the classic I.M. I’ve been hungry for in the 6-inch scale, and the execution looks super. There will be deco variants for him, but nothing officially announced yet.
I’m told to expect a classic blue/yellow deco Wolverine as a Diamond exclusive, as well as a third Wolvie variant exclusive to Mezco’s online shop.
Also announced, but no items shown yet, were figures for the fall film Thor: Ragnorak.