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Storm Collectibles: Street Fighter V Ryu Video and Quick Pics

I haven’t played Street Fighter V. In fact, I haven’t played a Street Fighter game in quite a few years. But I have played with quite a few action figures over the past two decades and if there’s a way for a property to worm it’s way into my greedy little heart, it’s to produce an excellent toy. So welcome to the shelf, Street Fighter.

The same could be said for Mortal Kombat. Neither property was at the top of list for most wanted toylines. But Storm Collectibles’ Scorpion was so good I couldn’t wait to mess with Ryu. And he doesn’t disappoint. It’s a great action figure that matches up to the SFV character model and sports a crazy amount of articulation, but it does have it’s quirks. Honestly, the movement isn’t as fluid as seen with Scorpion but it really comes down to the characters design itself. Ryu is just a bulky dude with loose fitting clothing while the MK ninja is lithe with a skin tight costume. Plastic will only do so much.

But it’s a fantastic start to the line. And we’ve seen Ken, M. Bison, and Storm just teased Zangief, so I’m hoping the shelf fills up fast.








With gi removed (see video for removal process)

