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Storm Collectibles: Mortal Kombat Scorpion Video and Quick Pics

I collect a lot of comic book and movie-based toys. When it comes to video games, my shelves are a little bare. So to say I didn’t know I needed Mortal Kombat figures in my life is an understatement. I now know that I was unsuspectingly waiting for Storm Collectibles to release the articulated glory of Scorpion upon the world.

Heh, wow, okay, that’s a bit dramatic.

I was never huge into fighting games. But even if you weren’t a fan of the genre, there was no avoiding them in the ’90s, especially if you spent any time at an arcade. Ah, arcades. The reason quarters were invented. The two biggies in my town were Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat, and the one you preferred defined your running buddies, at least within the confines of the mall or the putt-putt course across town. You’re hanging with four or five friends, one suggests hitting the arcade, and as soon as you cross the threshold the group splits. Oh sure, there was a lot of watching over shoulders, but when it came to actually playing, everyone had their preference.

I was the neutral party. I played a little of both, but if I absolutely had to play (ie someone threw down a quarter for me), I preferred Street Fighter. But my own money went into shooters or adventure games. I worked at Pizza Hut and it had Star Wars pinball (score!) and Samurai Showdown, so I was fairly decent at that. Except when it came to playing other actual humans, but that didn’t happen a lot when you were the closing driver on a slow night. Even on console I didn’t play fighters, and especially not Mortal Kombat because BLOCK IS NOT A BUTTON! BLOCK IS A MOVEMENT!

That’s a long-winded way of getting across that I never had any plans of getting Mortal Kombat figures, much less planning a devoted shelf. I’m still not into the games themselves, but I can appreciate the history of the characters and story. Mortal Kombat is still around over 25 years later, even if arcades aren’t for the most part. But I’m a huge fan of good toys and this Scorpion, while not tripping any nostalgia triggers for me, does tick all the boxes when it comes to my favorite features in an action figure.

Pre-order Scorpion on BigBadToyStore!

Video review:



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Pre-order Scorpion on BigBadToyStore!