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Bandai: S.H. Figuarts Captain America: Civil War Black Panther Video and Quick Pics

I’m starting to think these Tamashii Web exclusives aren’t worth the money, at least when it comes to the Marvel Cinematic Universe characters.

Don’t get me wrong, I like the look of this Black Panther from Captain America: Civil War. It’s a fantastic sculpt with a lot of intricate detail. And the neck and shoulder articulation are stellar, reminding me of Revoltech range without the Revoltech look. But for a character who is supposed to be lithe and graceful the range of movement in the torso, hips, and legs is kind of pitiful.

Not to even mention the price tag on this, being an exclusive. To make that sting just a bit more the figure only comes with two extra sets of hands, and the ones that look like they should have claws don’t really have claws. No extra head, no scratched up Cap shield, no damaged Iron Man head, nothing but a few hands. I paid over $80 for a figure with, at least by Figuarts standard, hindered lower body articulation and some waving to the crowd options. And I’m not a packaging guy in the least, but a comment on FwooshTube review best described the box. “The box itself looks more fitting for an old Sega Genesis cartridge than an actual figure.”

What I think it boils down to is the fact that this was a higher priced exclusive. If this had been just a standard release for half the price of what I paid I would have been fine with the faults and lack of accessories. Because at the end of the day it’s the value that doesn’t add up. The bang for the buck is more like a little sputter.

At least the figure itself is damn pretty. It does have that going for it.





Robo strikes again:

Shoulder articulation:


