Although not directly marketed as a Dragon Ball Z product, the Figure-Rise Standard blue and yellow Aura Effects go perfectly with the DBZ model kit line. So much so that some of the promo images include the figures. But really, the effects will work with any figures.
Me, I’m excited to spruce up my DBZ model shelf, which seems to be growing quicker than I anticipated. But now to have the ability to put them in full on fight mode? Swweeeeeeet.
First, the basic stands themselves:
When built the multi-jointed stand has all kinds of pins and plugs to hold both the effects and the figures themselves.
Both sets are exactly the same besides the obvious color swap between yellow and blue.
But because of all the different options in which to plug all of the pieces I doubt we’ll ever notice the reuse.
And then with the Dragon Ball models:
The sets drop this week to coincide with the releases of Kid Buu and Super Saiyan 3 Goku on November 10th.
The Aura Effects cost a whopping $7 but with overseas shipping as it is at the moment you might want to bundle up with something else. I’m personally skipping the SS3 Goku but Buu is too hard to pass up and will make shipping a little easier to swallow.