We’ve seen the prototype for the Amecomi Yamaguchi Spider-Man but seeing the figure in the ol’ red and blue just makes me want to throw my money at a retailer. Any retailer.
And I’m still not even a huge fan of Revoltech joints or proportions! What the hell is wrong with me? Deadpool has me all twisted up with anticipation and now I feel like I have to get this Spidey to go with Wade and hope for more figures in this line. Why? I’m so confused.
It may be because the figures pose like there is no tomorrow.
While the look in a yearbook neutral stance look kind of weird, these figures aren’t meant to displayed like that. They’re for dynamic posing and displays. ACBA these crazy things.
It looks like Spider-Man comes with the same eye gimmick as Deadpool. Fewer options and it doesn’t look like there is a second head but the addition of several different weblines makes up for it I think. And then of course alternate hands.
It took me a minute to figure out what the little bar and round black disc was until I found the pic of Spidey wall-crawling. It seems to be a magnet.
It looks like Kaiyodo is still on track for Venom, that’s going to be an interesting figure.
Amecomi Yamaguchi Spider-Man has a release date of January 2017 and will cost around $60.