There are two things I know I love: Mega Man and action figures. The little Blue Bomber is back in the plastic spotlight thanks to Sentinel, and his new figure(s) turned out great. However, as this is the latest in a long line of Mega Man action figure attempts, I am staying cautiously optimistic, with heavy emphasis on the cautiously. Why? Well, past attempts have fallen utterly short for me, and one thing has been constantly and consistently lacking: ROBOT MASTERS. Where the heck are all of the Robot Masters?
Seriously though, I really do love Mega Man, and ever since playing Mega Man II for the first time, this character and franchise have remained my favorites in wide world of video game properties. I am such a mark for anything and everything “Mega Man” that on any given day I can be playing the game with my action figure by my side, sipping tea from a Mega Man mug, and all while wearing a Mega Man shirt, so maybe “obsession” doesn’t even begin to describe it. That said, I am first and foremost an action figure collector, but even within that vast and diverse category, I am still a man of simple tastes, especially when it comes to this property.
I love CLASSIC Mega Man. That means my heart lies with primarily with games 1-6 (and especially 1, 2, 3, and 4), and even 7-10 keep the classic, and in my opinion, perfect structure of the property. Mega Man and all of his ancillary friends and allies all have a special place in my heart, so I am pleased as can be with the fantastic new Sentinel figure, as I think of it as the best Mega Man figure I have ever owned. However, and I KNOW I am not alone here, the single biggest draw to this franchise for me has always been the diverse and numerous Robot Masters. You know, those cool boss characters with the unique powers that Mega Man absorbs when he defeats them? Yeah. All of those guys, from Cutman to Solarman, offer cool designs and unique abilities that make the property so memorable.
I don’t feel like I am dipping into hyperbole here when I say that I find the Mega Man property to be one of the most “toy-etic” out there. The designs are unique and lend themselves to plastic so perfectly, it is almost like an action figure line would write itself, especially since part-sharing could be harnessed for a lot of them. So I remain a bit perplexed that we have never gotten a collector line of Mega Man figures, from the U.S. or Japan, that features these characters, at least not in the last decade or so. While other things like vinyl figures and keychains have been in regular rotation, action figures seem to have been left out, and for a VERY long time. Why is that? I am asking that seriously because I know that, at least in my experience, that when a new Mega Man product execution is announced, most people pipe in with a demand for the Robot Masters.
That is why I want to take this this opportunity to point out that Sentinel has a real chance to do what we all want, and what has never been done, and get those Robot Masters out there. There has been a little bit of progress already made, but I want to make sure I communicate that the desire for these characters is out there, and the collector shelves and wallets are ready to receive them. Sentinel, this is your chance to make it happen, and really, it is pretty straight forward because these characters are popular, and showing that a satisfying collection is in the cards for this line, will help gain a lot of collectors to buy into what you have already started.
See, while there are a LOT of Mega Mans already announced in the line (which is a little concerning to me, especially since I want to see this go and go, and front-loading a lot of your protagonist variants at the start can be a little scary), the fact that I KNOW I also have a Cutman figure coming to me is a HUGE step in the right direction. YES! With that one release, you have already gone past Bandai and the others who have attempted a MM collector line, and given us a Robot Master. That is such a thrill, as he looks GREAT, but let’s not rest on our laurels, okay? I am a little surprised he is in a two-pack and is exclusive (his set is the only one currently sold out at BBTS), as I think he would have sold fine on his own, but I am willing to take progress with this at small intervals if need be, which is why I am going to suggest this as a starting point: finish the game one Masters.
Really, you have an awesome Cutman, so just do exactly what you have done for him, and apply it to Gutsman, Iceman, Bombman, Fireman, and Elecman (and if you want to get fun and crazy, Timeman and Oilman), and you will have it. I know that Cutman is the “first” Master in terms of numbering order, and that he also shares a lot of parts with the basic classic Mega Man figure, but there are definitely some opportunities to apply that same logic to the rest of the guys. Sure, guys like Gutsman and Bombman might be bigger and/or require a bit more unique tooling, but they could cost a bit more to help offset those things, and if a Mega Man variation is required to release alongside these to help with even more recognition, well, he has worn just about every color in visible spectrum, so variations abound. However, I don’t think that solution is optimal, or necessary.
I want Robot Masters, but I am also realistic. Sure, I could be a ranting loon and say that anything less than all 80-ish Masters would be a failure, but I am not at all saying that. I am saying that the Robot Masters are really important to the Mega Man property, and that there is support for them, so they should be included. By all means, continue with the Rock variants if they are successful, I would never say anything to the contrary, but I think we should also see progress with the Masters made, too. It is early yet, and Sentinel might have some very elaborate plans, but let’s start with the first game. Get Gutsman and Iceman primed for future releases and then build on that. If the remaining five from game one are successful (I just KNOW they will be), then dip into the second game. That is arguably the most popular installment of the entire franchise, so I bet that the Masters from that game will give the line additional legs. I know that is the group I probably want the most.
This property is primed and overdue for toys, and the diverse Robot Masters list can make for a very interesting and fun action figure line for years to come. Sentinel is already producing great figures (check out our look at the first two), and I am positively giddy that Cutman will be arriving in November. Now, we just need to get his cohorts, with some Mega Man variants and ancillary characters mixed in too, and we will be well on our way to a satisfying line. Like I said, start with Gutsman, Iceman, Bombman, Fireman, and Elecman to complete the first game roster (it is only FIVE more!) and then we can wish for EVERY Master out there. Can you imagine? It would be a glorious sight. I know I would be in action figure heaven, and others, too, as this is the perfect property waiting to be realized in toy form.
Do you agree? If so, sound off in the comment section below! We are going to make sure we get the attention of Sentinel, Capcom, and others, so don’t be shy in showing your support. WE WANT THE ROBOT MASTERS!