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Medicom: MAFEX Suicide Squad Harley Quinn Dress Version


This love/hate relationship with Medicom is getting unbearable. They keep showing beautiful product like this MAFEX Suicide Squad Harley Quinn in her gold dress but what will the quality control be like upon arrival? I want to like you, MAFEX line, I really do.

As far as the shorts and jacket Harley goes, my heart belongs to the S.H. Figuarts version. Just a wonderful piece of engineering, paint, and sculpting.

Bandai SH Figuarts Suicide Squad Harley Quinn Promo 03

But I am liking the look of this MAFEX gold dress Harley.


Yeah, the features are soft like the first MAFEX version and while that was a personal turn-off for some reason it works for me here. Maybe it’s the lack of contrast, everything seems to flow better color-wise.

The wicked smile helps too.


I’m guessing the dress is a rubber overlay but that begs the question: How durable will it be? Oh, you thought I was going to go the “How naked will she be underneath” route. Mind out of the gutter, pervs.

This Harley also comes with heads meant for the first Harley. Options are good.


It seems Medicom has been doing this more lately, throwing extras into later releases that may not be as popular as the first version. It’s smart business but it may wear thin on collectors who would rather see all options come with the original product. Like this additional Batman head that also comes with Harley.


Gold dress Harley will cost you about $55 and is set to ship July 2016. Which brings up another sore spot, delays in shipping. More on that later…