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What Do You Mean White Rabbit Didn’t Win the Fan Poll?


Sometimes it’s like I don’t know you guys at all.

Not always. There are times when I feel an intense camaraderie with my fellow Marvel Legends collectors and that many of us are on the same page when it comes to our wants and desires. I skew classic, so when the common consensus is that Red Guardian is the most satisfying figure in the recent Captain America series, I smile, knowing that all is right. But then something like this happens and I’m left questioning all I thought I knew about the world. I mean, we were given a chance at a White Rabbit figure — and we didn’t take it!


If case you already know or are just too belligerent to click a link, here’s the skinny: the 2016 Marvel Legends fan vote launched on the @HasbroPulse Instagram during San Diego Comic-Con. Each day, two characters from a set of eight were pitted against each other until only one remained. And that one was Songbird. So yay for you if she was your choice.

Hasbro Marvel Legends Fan Vote Winner

Look, I’ve nothing against Songbird — I’m sure she’s a fine character in her own right. But we’re talkin’ White Rabbit, folks! I mean, come on! That’s like voting against your granny’s own apple pie. It just isn’t done. You know, except when it is. But that doesn’t make it right, consarnit! As a comics reader in the 1980s, I can tell you things got pretty grim; White Rabbit was a balm to the relentless darkness that had swept over the genre, a bright light in an otherwise murky field of ninjas, assassins, and psychopaths. She was a throwback to a wackier, woolier time and that felt right in a Spider-Man comic. Don’t get me wrong, symbiotic black goo and sin-eating villains made for entertaining reading, but it seemed like some of the fun had gone out of ol’ Web-head by then. Rabbit was an antidote to that, for both the reader and Spidey. She deserves her due.


I know people make a big stink about Wonder Woman being a role model, but as a character she’s never actually had to aspire to anything: she was born beautiful, charismatic, and with a ton of super-powers. Even her superhero tools were given to her. Sure, an Amazonian ambassador to Man’s world is someone you could idolize, but no amount of hard work and effort is going to land you that gig. On the other hand, the Rabbit is a self-made woman. She came up with her identity and costume, hired her own gang — the whole bit. She’s a perfect example of making something of yourself, even if that something is an unhinged rabbit-themed super-villain.


I’ve talked about how toyetic the Rabbit is here — seriously, I’ve never seen a character so suited to the action figure treatment. From her instantly recognizable Alice in Wonderland motif to her carrot-shooting umbrella, the Rabbit would look amazing on the pegs or on the toy shelf. I know my 4-year-old would go bonkers over a White Rabbit figure, and I’d be there right along with her. Seriously, Rabbit could be Marvel’s Harley Quinn — given the proper spotlight, the character could be silly, sassy, and irreverent as all Hell. I mean, nobody ever thought Squirrel Girl would amount to anything, and she’s now a fan favorite. White Rabbit was poised, she was ready — and we blew it.


Just to give you some idea of what we missed, here’s a pic of Fwoosher Rob W’s custom White Rabbit. While the finished product would be a bit more streamlined to fit with the brand’s aesthetic, you can imagine just what might have been. It cuts me deep to think that Hasbro offered up such a cool and interesting character concept and people opted for something far more generic. I get it, the fans have spoken. I just have to hope the character remains on Hasbro’s radar long enough to get her out in some capacity. Maybe in a two-pack with her pal the Walrus? Goo-Goo Ga-Joob!


Thanks to Fwoosher Rob W for allowing us to feature his customs. Check out all of Rob’s great work in the Fwoosh Custom Galleries!