The Lucasfilm Pavilion featured a large display of costumes from Rogue One. Most we have seen at other shows, but they introduced a new character, Edrio Two-Tubes. Check it out.
According to
Edrio Two Tubes is a mercenary pilot who flies alongside his eggmate, Benthic. The two share the nickname derived from the breathing apparatus that allows their Tognath physiology to process oxygen atmospheres. Edrio’s home world Yar Togna was conquered and occupied by the Empire, forcing him to flee as a refugee. Desiring to strike back at the Empire, Edrio and Benthic have allied with Saw Gerrera.
It’s pretty cool to see more of Saw’s crew and I’m looking forward to meeting more. This guy has a great Star Wars bounty hunter feel to me. Hopefully he’s not the new Constable Zuvio, but I already want a figure.
It was really fun to see these costumes all up close. I like how Cassian Andor’s outfit is so very much like Han’s Hoth gear except there is no argument that the jacket is blue. Chirrut’s outfit is cool, but I’m not sure how it all works. It kind of looks like a jacket with pants and an off the shoulder dress. Whatever it is, Donnie Yen sure rocks it in all the footage we’ve seen.
Next is Director Krennic and his Death Troopers. I was really struck by how large the Death Troopers look here. These guys are almost 7 footers. Near the Lucasfilm pavillion, there was a Shore Trooper on display by the Hasbro booth. It’s my favorite of the new designs due to the heavy weathering, multi-colored markings that are similar to Clone Troopers and the Jodhpurs.