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Mattel: Thundercats Wilykit and Wilykat

ThunderkittensHeadlineThis Wilykit and Wilykat set is the most bittersweet purchase of this convention. The Mattel Thundercats line was basically cancelled before it really got started. The excellence of these two figures makes that cancellation hurt so much worse.

Like a lot of Mattel Comic-Con exclusives, the packaging is pretty elaborate with a heavy black outer box and nice window box inside. The back of the box has a brief description of the characters and a large, colorful drawing of the Thunderkittens.

The set is packed with stuff, including the two kids, two boards, two stands, three extra hands for Kat and two for Kit, removable bolo whip things that attach to the belts, and a version of them in action. The hands add a nice variety for posing, though I could have used one less grip hand for Wilykit and replace that with a splayed finger hand.

Wilykit and Wilykat_01Wilykat has a neat smoke bomb hand that’s an interesting effect.

Wilykit and Wilykat_02The boards and stands are the best part of this set and they work great with the figure. They have a ball joint that allows for some nice posing and the kittens attach securely at the foot via one peg.

Wilykit and Wilykat_03The sculpt on these two is fantastic, capturing the cartoon look perfectly. I like that they are unique sculpts that allow them to nail the kid-like proportions perfectly.

Wilykit and Wilykat_18The paint is nice and solid, and the tampos of the Thundercat logo are perfect.

Wilykit and Wilykat_19The articulation is as follows:

  • Ball-jointed neck
  • Swivel/hinge shoulders, hips, elbows, knees, and ankles
  • Swivel waist and wrists

I’m missing the thigh swivels and any type of ab crunch. The ab would have been helped by a ball-and-socket joint. I also like that they adopted the Marvel Legends-style ankles for hover board stability. The skirts hinder leg movement more than I’d like.

Wilykit and Wilykat_20Overall, these are really nice. So nice that I’m a little sad about the premature death of the line. The price is a little high, but you get a lot for the money. I think if they had included a couple of Snarf PVC figures, I would be ecstatic.

Wilykit and Wilykat_21 Wilykit and Wilykat_22 Wilykit and Wilykat_23 Wilykit and Wilykat_24 Wilykit and Wilykat_25 Wilykit and Wilykat_26