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Bandai: S.H. Figuarts Star Wars Phase II Clone Trooper and Geonosis Battle Droid

Bandai SH Figuarts Star Wars Geonosis Battle Droid Phase 2 Clone Trooper Featured

We kind of expected Bandai to reuse the Star Wars Battle Droid and Clone Trooper for the obvious choices of a Phase II Trooper and a Geonosis Droid, and they didn’t disappoint. In fact, it’s right on schedule.

And I say that after Bandai, you know, actually showed this droid at one of the shows, but just go with me on it. If I remember correctly it was around this time last year that the Phase I Trooper and standard Battle Droid were solicited with an eventual release in November. If they follow the pattern the next solicitations should be for Rogue One.

The Phase II Clone’s helmet looks a little bit off to me. The lenses, maybe? And since it’s reusing the Phase I body I already know it will be a little small. But I’ll get one anyway. Gotta take it for a spin before making any final decisions.

Bandai SH Figuarts Star Wars Phase II Clone Trooper 01

It comes with the standard blaster and rifle.

Bandai SH Figuarts Star Wars Phase II Clone Trooper 06

The Geonosis Battle Droid though, much like the regular release, I’ll need two. I must. Those on top of these on top of the model kit with STAP will give me a nice little army.

Bandai SH Figuarts Star Wars Geonosis Battle Droid 01

And look, one step closer to a Figuarts C-3PO!

Bandai SH Figuarts Star Wars Geonosis Battle Droid 02

It’s weird to type, but I think I may like this color scheme more than the original. Stands out a little bit more.

Bandai SH Figuarts Star Wars Geonosis Battle Droid 03

Both will be released in October and MSRP is about $47. That’s the nice thing about the army builders. Bandai prices them cheaper than other characters, hoping we’ll buy more to offset the difference. Well played, Bandai.

Now, will this time next year bring officers for both the clones and droids?