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New X-Men Legends Juggernaut Wave Promo Pics

Hasbro Xmen Marvel Legends Deadpool Juggernaut Wave Promo Featured

Fwoosh sponsor BigBadToyStore has posted new promotional images of the X-Men Legends Juggernaut wave and they are delicious!

Seeing the initial promo pics were good, seeing them at Toy Fair was better, but to see nice shots of the final product makes me want these now!


Hasbro Xmen Marvel Legends Cable Juggernaut Wave Promo

Check out the belt on the Juggernaut crotch piece. It looks loose so you have the option to not add it if you so desire, but it may expose the hip balls more than intended.


Hasbro Xmen Marvel Legends Kitty Juggernaut Wave Promo


Hasbro Xmen Marvel Legends Deadpool Juggernaut Wave Promo

Deadpool doesn’t come with a BAF piece but he is loaded down with accessories. The knife apparently goes in a boot sheath.


Hasbro Xmen Marvel Legends Havok Juggernaut Wave Promo


Hasbro Xmen Marvel Legends Iceman Juggernaut Wave Promo


Hasbro Xmen Marvel Legends Phoenix Juggernaut Wave Promo

Unfortunately, no power effects.


Hasbro Xmen Marvel Legends Rogue Juggernaut Wave Promo

Rogue also comes with an ungloved hand, see the pic at the bottom of the post.


Hasbro Xmen Marvel Legends Wolverine Juggernaut Wave Promo


Hasbro Xmen Marvel Legends Juggernaut Wave Promo

You can pre-order the wave on BBTS!

Also, a new pic of a loose Deadpool and Cable has popped up on Facebook:

Hasbro Xmen Legends Deadpool Cable Loose Facebook

In the background in the carded figures you can see that Rogue also comes with an ungloved right hand, previously not shown or mentioned.