And here I thought the X-Men Legends wave was going to hit first. We saw the promo pics, we got the pre-orders. But nope, here comes the Spider-Man Legends Space Venom wave, stealing the thunder. Here’s more detailed pics of each figure in the wave!
First up, the BAF, Venom. This is a lot more detailed than I thought it would be.
Here’s Venom compared to the Spidey of this wave, Ultimate teen Spider-Man.
And yeah, that’s a smaller body for Spidey. He shares the body with Miles Morales Spider-Man.
Rock on, Spideys.
The one that is catching me off guard is the Ashley Barton Spider-Woman. I didn’t know anything about her before this wave was announced but she looks stunning. I dig the costume and the head is nicely sculpted. I also like the Silk but her head…seems slightly large? Maybe it’s the hair?
And what’s a Spider-Man wave without villains? Both Hobgoblin and Electro came out really nice!
Remember, most of the figures in the wave come with alternate heads, so there is still more to see. Last night these all popped up on eBay out of Hong Kong, and I’ve even heard some overseas retailers have them shipping out already. Hopefully we’ll see these stateside soon.
pics via Alex Chan