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Mezco One:12 Collective: Barbarians and ‘Busters!


Last week, friend of Fwoosh and longtime toy reviewer Michael Crawford sat down with his buds from the HotToyCast and had a discussion with Mez. The results were fascinating . . .

Mez was clearly having a good time and was dropping hints and info so casually it was almost silly. It was a solid interview, and I highly recommend heading over to the site or popping it up on iTunes and giving it a listen. I would like to run down a few of the things mentioned, and maybe what they might mean in terms of the line:


1. Mez Loves The Dark Knight Returns.

With the DC Cinematic universe’s future feeling a little less than certain, It was nice to hear that Mez’s favorite part of the DCU is going to continue seeing figures, particularly after the movie toys are complete. Joker and Superman were mentioned specifically, though Mez clearly wants to go as deep as possible. What this means for the movie lines is not completely certain, but I suspect Mezco, like the rest of us, are waiting to see what Suicide Squad brings before putting any additional eggs in that basket.


2. Mortal Kombat Inbound.

With 2017 marking the 30th anniversary of the original game, Mortal Kombat is coming to One:12. Long suspected, and probably just shuffled to make room for things like Marvel, the timing couldn’t be better for this long-suffering franchise to get some serious Klassic love.

3. Frazzetta. One name says it all.

Mez revealed that there is now, in fact, an agreement to bring Frank Frazetta’s artwork to life in One:12 Collective. What this means is potentially massive reserves of sci-fi/fantasy creations stemming from his decades of work being made available to Mezco. What this likely doesn’t mean is the inclusion of a certain barbarian we know by name, no doubt due to the convoluted state of that license, but I feel confident there are many, many Frazetta barbarians who can fill that void.


4. Ghostbusters. Classic. One name and an important qualifier say it all.

At the risk of Internet injury, I give not a single tin crap about the Ghostbusters relaunch/rebrand/reboot movie. I have no prevailing opinion positively or negatively, and I doubt I will go see it. Of course, I don’t really like Ghostbusters II either, so there you go. The original, though? One of the best movies of its era. And it can be absolutely a perfect candidate for this line: small team, strong character likenesses, quality uniforms — all playing right into One:12 Collective’s strengths.

There was more, mostly opinions and ideas rather than the more-or-less official stuff here, but I’ll save that for the listen. Seriously, if you have the time, queue that podcast up and check it out. I’m bad with Apple stuff, but if you put “HotToyCast” in the search bar, you got it, or hit up Michael’s site here.