Kind of a weird mix, right? Suicide Squad and 2001: A Space Odyssey? I’m not going to gripe, though. Cool toys are cool toys.
It’s only one picture of Will Smith’s Deadshot at the moment, but there will be more soon enough. Probably as soon as I hit “submit” on this article.
And I dig this. Really, it’s nice to see something from Suicide Squad besides Harley and Joker. I’m more into the S.H. Figuarts Harley, but I’m going with the MAFEX Joker, so Floyd being a MAFEX doesn’t bother me at all. Mix and match, people!
Deadshot will run you around $55 and drops March 2017. Wait, March 2017?? Gaaaah!
EDIT: Told ya …
Also teased today are MAFEX space suits from 2001: A Space Odyssey, both an orange and a yellow.
These are due in Feb of 2017 and will also cost around $55.
So many nice toys, so far way.