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MAFEX: 2001: A Space Odyssey Yellow and Orange Promo Pics

Medicom MAFEX 2001 A Space Odyssey Featured

In all of the MAFEX excitement yesterday, I completely spaced on posting the promotional images of the 2001: A Space Odyssey figures. Get it? Spaced? Yeah …

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The iconic yellow spacesuit as worn by astronaut Frank Poole in the classic 1968 film 2001: A Space Odyssey gets a MAFEX figure release from Medicom! It’s about 16cm tall and fully posable with multiple interchangeable hand parts and a stand for anti-gravity poses. It must be noted that the helmet cannot be removed.

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The orange spacesuit as worn by Dave Bowman in the iconic 1968 film 2001: A Space Odyssey joins the MAFEX lineup from Medicom! It’s about 16cm tall, and comes with multiple interchangeable hands; the helmet is not removable. A figure stand is also included to allow the suit to escape gravity.

Both are already available for pre-order on sites like HLJ and Amiami for around $50 with a ship date of February 2017.

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