Deadpool. Love him or hate him, he makes one hell of an action figure. Figma teased a Wade figure a while back but it looks like Revoltech beat them to the punch.
Me? I love Deadpool, always have. Way back in the ’90s, all the way through. Sure, there were some rough patches, and recently you could say he’s a little too overexposed. I even love Agent X. Remember him? So any action figure of the Merc with a Mouth gets bought by me. Automatic purchase. Even when it’s Revoltech.
See, I’m not a fan of the Revoltech joint system. It has its benefits, like range of movement, as you can see in these amazing pics. But for me they have always been fiddly and kind of ugly. That’s just this one insignificant toy reviewer’s opinion, though.
Saying all of that, though, just look at this thing. Amazing poses and sculpt. Accessories out the wazoo. There is just a lot going on with this figure. And . . . I love it. Dang it.
He even comes with alternate eye looks. I’m not sure if these are interchangeable eye pieces like the Hot Toys movie Deadpool or if it’s alternate heads, but these just make the figure even better.
EDIT: Found another pic showing all of the accessories and confirming it is indeed interchangeable eye parts.
Looking at the promo poster again, you can see that other figures are planned. Comic-style Spider-Man and Venom? C’mon, Revoltech, you’re killing me.
My Google image translator app is having fits with the image, so I’m not quite sure about a lot of info on this. But as soon as the details emerge, you can bet your sweet bippy that I’ll be posting it up.