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Hasbro: Marvel Legends 2-Pack Disco Iron Man

Hasbro Marvel Legends Civil War 2 Pack Disco Iron Man featured

This amazing action figure is part of the upcoming Captain America: Civil War 2-pack, which features War Machine Mark 3 and this guy: Disco Iron Man.

This figure has nothing to to do with Captain America: Civil War. It is, in fact, a figure from 2013’s Iron Man 3. As part of the House Party Protocol, Tony Stark remotely activates all his armors to come to aide and save the day! And then, in one swoop, he blows them all up. Totally bogus, especially when it is clear he just starts making new suits again and has a stockpile of them lying around. Not to mention that in 2015’s Avengers: Age of Ultron he’s built the Iron Legion, a swarm of semi AI-driven Iron Robots. So why destroy everything only to build up? Stark is like a toy collector on drugs! One minute he’s collecting and stockpiling, then unloading on eBay, only to regret it and buy them all again a few years down the road.

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In the movie the armor is based on the Mark VII, an armor that Hasbro has yet to make in their Marvel Legends lineup. Figma did us right by making a Marvel Legends-compatible version (review here), and the closest Hasbro came was the Mark VI. Hasbro decided to use the next closest figure, the Iron Monger Series Iron Patriot, or, more recently, the Hulkbuster War Machine Mark 2 figure.

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The sculpt for this figure is pretty sweet. It’s got the size and bulk that you expect from a suit of armor. The arms might be a bit on the skinny side and the legs a bit long, but overall it’s a great sculpt. Like most of the current Iron Man action figures, the scale is great, and they tower over the “standard-scaled” comic figures based on the Bucky Cap/Black Panther/insert-your-favorite base. That means that they tower over most movie figures since they are smaller than comic figures, making your Iron Man figure look imposing and cool. The figure also comes with a shoulder gun, which was a part of the original War Machine.

The articulation on the figure is excellent as well. It has everything you want and poses well for the most part. The thighs are inhibited by the sculpt and crotch placement, though. You can push the hip down and get one thigh under the crotch, but barely. The ab joint is lightly limited as well, great backwards flex, but the front flex doesn’t give a lot. It’s too bad since the Iron Man crunch has become an important part of posing these figures. The ankles are an older design; there is a hinge but no rocker.

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The paint on this figure is the winner. The pearlescent purple and orange are so freaking awesome together. It’s total cheese, but, most importantly, it’s Alley Viper colors; for those of you hopeful 6-inch G.I. Joe collectors, this might be the perfect army builder for you. You just need to find a gun and kite shield for them and some enemies for them to fight.

I like this figure. I can’t explain it, but the colors make me laugh or feel good. I’d love it even more if the colors were on the correct base figure, and I think Hasbro missed a prime opportunity to give us a Mark VII. Luckily, they will have many more opportunities since the Mark VII was a base for a ton of armors.

This figure is not yet available.

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