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NECA: Cloaked Scar Predator SDCC Exclusive

NECA San Diego Comic Con SDCC Cloaked Scar Predator Featured

NECA has announced another addition to their SDCC exclusive line-up, the cloaked Scar Predator with Temple Hologram. Want to see it? Too bad, it’s invisible! No, really, you can see it…

Cloaked Scar joins Newt in the “Gotta stand in line at SDCC to get me” club. Don’t worry though, NECA is pretty good at making these available afterwards.

NECA San Diego Comic Con SDCC Cloaked Scar Predator 1

Check out the blood on the blades, such a nice touch.

NECA San Diego Comic Con SDCC Cloaked Scar Predator