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Kaiyodo: Movie Revo Iron Man Mark 45

Kaiyodo Movie Revo Iron Man Mark 45 Promo Featured

With an Iron Man here and an Iron Man there. Here a Stark, there a Stark, everywhere an Iron Man….

It’s not until you start to really follow import companies that you realize that Iron Man is an action figure cash cow. Constant variations, every movie Stark gets and upgrade and a different armor. Hell, Iron Man 3 gave us over 30 new versions. Add to the fact that there are several different overseas companies all making Iron Mans and you can’t go to a toy news front page without falling over a press release for a new armored Avenger.

But then again, different strokes for different folks, right? Options are good. I’m not a huge fan of Revoltech, but there are people that are. I’m looking forward to the figma Iron Man and I was told by someone today that they don’t like the disks on figma figures. So, at least if you’re not happy with one company’s offering then you just have to wait and another company will take a shot at it.

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Like I said, I’m not into Revo but what catches my eye here are the blast accessories. Enough cover full flight with effects for both the feet and hands at the same time. Take that, Hasbro! Then there is a bigger blast with caps to simulate energy, and it plus both into the hands or the arc reactor. Fantastic!

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Movie Revo Iron Man MK45 will release in August and will set you back about $55.

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