Last year, I discussed my frustration at the distinct lack of good dinosaur toys. But, as is the happy state of our hobby, somebody was already working on a solution!
Creative Beast Studios is taking their very honed skills from the various model kits and toy lines they’ve worked on in the past, and are applying them to some proper, amazing-looking Dinosaur figures. We’ve been discussing these figures for a bit in the forums, but the start date is fast approaching, so it’s time to alert the masses.
In particular, their focus will begin on the Raptor family. Working from the best current adaptations of these monsters, the results are magnificent, feathered birds of prey.
The articulation is looking excellently on point, with multiple neck joints, articulated limbs and tail, and working jaws. It appears to be a mix of ball-and-socket joints and rotating pegged joints. So basically everything that has been desperately needed in dinosaur toys for some time.
And the scale choice was a pure choice of genius. In terms of real-world size, these raptors are being done in 1/6 scale, which means these little bastards would run around about this size of a big dog on a grown human. So what does that mean for 6-inch figures?
Clever girl.
In 6-inch scale, these merely become the Jurassic Park scale we know and love. It’s funny how a little thing like a few movies can completely change perception on the size of an animal. Kinda like Jaws, I suppose.
Now for the important part — this Kickstarter will get under way in just under a week. So mark your calendars, set your reminders, and head over to the Creative Beast homepage to check out some more pics and watch for updates. We’ll post an update here as well.