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Jim Pansen Creations: MonsTor Kit (Blue Edition)


As you probably know, Lord Masque is currently running a bit behind, so the inaugural figure in the Masters of the Universe Classics Collector’s Choice Subscription is getting a late start. So, as we sit here in the doldrums of full-blown winter, we have Jim Pansen Creations to help satiate our MOTU appetites, fortunately, while we wait for the next official release. JPC has been at it for a while now, and I am still enjoying a lot of his pieces, particularly his fantastic Barbarian Kit. Well, Jim Pansen is back with an all-new kit that will most certainly keep those “savage” MOTU feelings going with the MonsTor!


Are you getting a feeling of déjà vu? Probably, because if you have been paying attention, Matt K put together a feature on an earlier iteration of Monstor, so if you missed it, you can check it out here. Now, a quick peek at Matt’s (amazing) pictures will show that this version is, in fact, different, and what was once green is now full-blown blue in this next life for Monstor, so I wanted take a turn at talking about this neat new set. JPC is making this set available in both colors to help accommodate collector’s preferences, as well as available bases, but, frankly, I see a character progression that requires a change as well.

Monstor is a completely new character, and with that comes a refreshing ability to “choose your own adventure” in terms of characterization. I like that Jim Pansen is allowing the kit to kind of speak for itself, and has not added any written development because that really leaves the door wide open. When I first saw pictures of Monstor, my mind went right to him being an undead character. That was based on the look (the original green), of course, but also because that helps facilitate something that we don’t have a lot of in MOTU. Zombies and the undead seem to come at a bit of a premium on Eternia, so I am really happy to have this guy fill the void, and, to me, the blue represents the second stage of this character’s powers.


This version of the kit is designed to work with the Faker base body, and like all of the JPC’s previous offerings, all pieces of the kit fit seamlessly. Like before, with this set, you get the head, mask, shoulder pads/armor, and a knife. You have the option of ordering this unpainted, of course, but the provided paintwork is so nice, it is definitely worth the extra money to have that done. While most of the pieces come painted in very similar fashion to the previously featured kit, the flesh tones are now vivid blue, and it really makes all the difference in the world when it comes to the portrayal of the character.

See, since I picture Monstor as being undead, to me, this is the look he would take on if he traveled to the colder portions of northern Eternia. His dead and decaying flesh would, by Eternian logic, turn blue with the icy cold, so in his battles again Vikor and the like, his rotting corpse becomes stronger as it freezes. I really like the sculpt on the head, the highlighted muscle lines about the mouth, and the protruding bone in the jaw as my favorite parts. The teeth show obvious signs of decay, though Monstor has been able to keep all of them, but the eyes are very expressive. The red and yellow make for an angry look, but the shape and expression that they portray is almost tragic and painful in appearance. Perhaps Monstor is walking around struggling and constantly tortured by his condition.


The mask and shoulder armor combination bring a nice bit of tech sense to the savage framework of the set, and it has a very Mad Max-ian quality to it. If you have seen the most recent movie, it is easy to picture someone in Immortan Joe’s posse wearing this getup, speeding across the dry wasteland in a hybrid and smashed-up Roton. The mask fits over the face perfectly and looks to double as a breathing apparatus; the fangs coming down off of the bottom are a great touch to add a bit of ferocity with recalls of a warthog. The coolest part of the mask is the fact that the goggle portions are cast in a clear resin that actually allow light to pass through. While this seems like a small touch, it adds a ton of depth and dimension to the overall look.


The shoulder armor coalesces with the mask very nicely in terms of style, and I like the metallic look of it. It keeps a skull theme at the bottom point on the front, something that Eternia carries in rich tradition. The shape allows for all of the functional articulation of the base figure to still move without being impeded in any way, and even though it just sits on top of the shoulder, it stays on securely and stays in place. It also features a black strap on the back to hold to sword when not in use. While Monstor is most certainly savage, putting the mask, helmet, and armor all together actually looks very militaristic and a part of something more organized, so you can have it both ways.

The included sword has a rounded and unique shape to it and features mostly weathered silver and bronze. The paintwork is great here to help add the old and worn feel, but the sculpt itself is still very clean and it keeps all of the intended lines intact. There is a small decorative hook-shaped decoration at the bottom of the hilt that adds some shape, and the Faker hand can hold the sword securely, but I suggest you open the hand first, and then put the sword in place.


JIm Pansen Creations is really establishing itself as one of best third-party MOTUC producers out there right now, and this new Monstor kit is a great addition. The character has a lot of depth with the contrasting undead flesh and tech-heavy mask. I really enjoy the blue coloration and post-apocalyptic touches are really great. If you are more into the savage side of Masters of the Universe, I highly suggest this kit, so if you are interested in getting one for yourself, you can put in an order over the the JPC Facebook page. Thanks for reading and go check out Jim Pansen’s entire catalog!