The original Star Wars trilogy is the absolute baseline for what can be considered Star Wars canon, but what always had me scratching my head was what happened between those three movies? It always seemed like healthy chunks of time passed between A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back, and then again between The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. What were the characters doing? These were the gaps I always filled in myself as a kid when I would play with my Star Wars toys during the original run, and while this was always rich fodder for my imagination, I always wondered what the “official” story was. As it turns out, Marvel’s new Star Wars comics are doing just that — filling in those gaps — with the majority of titles taking place in that space between A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back. So far the comics have been doing a wonderful job of expanding on and enriching the original story, and if you haven’t given these books a try yet, you should really look into it. But in addition to filling in the gaps of the story we all know and love, some new characters have been introduced who have been thoroughly awesome. And since these new Marvel comics are considered official canon, there are a few characters I think are worthy of inclusion in Hasbro’s 6-inch Black Series line.
I chose five characters who have stood out to me, so let’s take a look. (Warning: there are possible spoilers for those who haven’t read the comics.)
5. Grakkus the Hutt
Even though the Hutts are a legitimate race of beings in the Star Wars universe, the only one we’ve ever encountered is Jabba, that huge slug of a crimelord who has a penchant for princesses in bikinis. In the main Star Wars title, we’re introduced to Grakkus the Hutt, who looks a mix of Jabba, Mojo, and The Rock. In keeping with what we know of the Hutts, he’s a vicious individual who can manipulate the best of them — he’s like Jabba, only way more scary. He gets around on mechanical legs, he wears a necklace made of lightsabers (I mean, how cool), and he looks as though he could bench-press the Millennium Falcon. I have loved getting this new flavor of a Hutt crimelord in the comics, and I think he’d make an awesome deluxe figure. I’m not sure how realistic that would be considering he couldn’t be just a repaint of Jabba, but with some hefty retooling (abs!) it could be possible.
4. Chanath Cha
Looking something like Boba Fett by way of HALO, Chanath Cha brought so much to the bounty hunter profession in the pages of Lando that I think she’s an easy pick for a Black Series figure. After Lando and Lobot stole the Emperor’s personal and private yacht, the Emperor personally hired Chanath to track it down and deal with the culprits. The fact that she’s a bounty hunter hired by the Emperor himself speaks to her credentials, and since all the bounty hunters we saw in The Empire Strikes Back were either slightly deformed human dudes, scary aliens, or killer robots, it’s cool to see that the profession is open to anyone with a particular skill set. Chanath eventually sides with Lando and Lobot (plot twist! she had a past romantic entanglement with Lobot — NOT Lando!), helps destroy the Emperor’s yacht, and looks to be a great ally for the Rebellion — so let’s see her in plastic, Hasbro!
3. Sana “Solo” Starros
Han Solo’s personal life and past become more and more complicated the more information that is leaked out, so it’s no wonder Disney is planning some Han Solo “solo” movies. In the main Star Wars comic, without giving too much away, we learn Han was once “married” to a woman named Sana, who has spent years tracking down the elusive smuggler to claim what’s hers, to the dismay of both Han and Leia. Sana is every bit Han’s equal when it comes to general space badassery, and I love getting more information about Han’s past as a smuggler. Hopefully Sana makes an appearance in the upcoming Han Solo movie, but her comic look would make for an awesome Black Series figure in the meantime. Make it happen, Hasbro!
2. Doctor Aphra
Doctor Aphra is perhaps the biggest surprise to me in the new Marvel comics. She’s the closest thing that could be considered a “sidekick” to Darth Vader, which is in and of itself an interesting and weird concept. In the wake of the destruction of the Death Star, we learn that the Emperor holds Vader accountable for the Empire’s greatest failure, and in an effort to protect his own best interests, Vader enlists the aid of Aphra because she has a particular and unique skill set that will help Vader further his own agenda. Even though he needs her, he makes sure she knows he could end her life at any time, so their dynamic is everything you’d hope for in a “partnership” with the Sith Lord. Knowing this, Aphra needs to be smart, quick, and able to think three moves ahead — all of which makes her among the more interesting new Marvel characters. An Aphra figure would look something like Han Solo’s little sister, just in terms of design and outfit, so she’d be a natural fit in the Black Series collection.
1. 0-0-0 and BT-1
Of all the new Marvel Star Wars characters, 0-0-0 (“Triple Zero”) and BT-1 are the most fun. Imagine an all-black C-3PO and R2-D2 that were absolute killing machines and you’ve got the idea. 0-0-0 has all of 3PO’s mannerisms and abilities with the added twist that one of his specialties is torture — which he takes great joy in administering. BT-1 is a psychotic little death machine with crazy weapons where R2 would have tools. The pair want nothing more than to kill every human they see, so it speaks to Doctor Aphra’s abilities that she was able to bring both of them back online without immediately being torn to pieces by the pair. I mean, it’s such a obvious twist on the original Star Wars droids, but it’s one that completely works and has been such a joy to see in the comics. And as for figures, all 0-0-0 needs is that upcoming C-3PO body and some black paint, and BT would be an R2 figure with just a few new parts and perhaps some retooling. They’d be a sure-fire hit, and fans curious about them would then be compelled to check out the comics, so everyone wins!
Who’d I leave out? Which Marvel characters do you think would make awesome Black Series figures? Sound off below!