“Well maybe just this one more …” Yeah. That’s what I keep telling myself anyway after each new Icons purchase. I started off with just wanting Batman. Then maybe Deadman too. That was it I thought. Then I figured I’d just pick and choose a few from each wave maybe. Well, while that may have worked for wave one, it’s starting to look more and more like I’m gonna be all-in on wave two.
After picking up (and loving) the Hal Jordan Green Lantern figure, I had to grab Flash to go along with him. I’m still holding out on Green Arrow as I’d rather a different version, but I have to admit my strength to resist him is waning. But that’s for another time and you clicked in to read and see pictures of Flash, so let’s get to it.
There have been a ton of well-made Flash figures released over the last ten years or so from DC Direct, Mattel, and DC Collectibles. Problem is, not one of them was articulated enough to get into a running pose worth a crap. Well, looks like we finally have a winner here with Icons Flash. Not only does he have a great sculpt, but he’s actually articulated enough to look like he’s running.
Packaging is the standard Icons look. Basic white-colored DC Collectibles box style with a nice clear blister on the front. Back of the box has cool head shots of the other figures in the wave. Flash is the fifth figure of the line as each figure is labeled with a number on the side. I kinda dig that, but what happens when this line hits figure 100?
Right out of the package this looks and feels like a Flash figure. That might not makes much sense to you, I know. For me, it means he has the right build to be the Flash I know, as he comes off as lean and athletic-looking. I know that all the basic-sized Icons figures are based on the same sculpt, but he feels slimmer to me. It may be just my eyes playing tricks on me, or maybe it’s just the red making him seem that way. Either way, I like his shape and the stature of him. This is clearly Barry Allen in his classic Flash duds, and according to the box, he comes from the “Chain Lightning” story arc. I also like the fact that I bought a new Flash figure without the lightning lines all over him. This is definitely a classic-looking Flash, and I dig the hell out of that.
As with the other Icons figures, he comes with a nice array of accessories that are matched well to the character. In Flash’s case, he’s paired with his iconic treadmill as well as an extra set of “running” hands.
The treadmill, while not perfect, is a nice addition. It’s well-sculpted with some nice detailed paints. It has a peg so that you can display Barry on it in some cool running poses. The control pad could be a bit more detailed, and I’d rather it be a bit bigger altogether, but it is a nice addition to the figure.
Now on the bad side, My Flash looks to have one derpy eye. His left eye seems fine, but his right is missing a bit of paint, making him look really off to me. I have seen other pics where both eyes seem fine, so this is just my bad luck popping up more than a consistent issue. Everything else looks great on him, though. His symbol is sculpted and painted well, and all of his yellow is clean. His boots are really well done as they nailed his more traditional baggy boots and captured his ridged treads on the soles too.
His lightning bolt belt and arm bands are sculpted on, which adds some needed details on an other wise solid-colored, plain figure. His red is super shiny, and I’m almost debating on hitting him with a coat of dull coat just to remove some of the sheen on him. As it is, though, he does look good even if a bit plasticy-looking.
His articulation is the same as the other Icons figures and it all functions well enough to get him into some nice action shots. His ball-jointed neck could still use a bit more upward range of movement. All the rest work great, though, and I really had no trouble moving any of his joints around. His double-hinged elbows and knees function well. His ball-and-swivel ankles work really well and allow a nice side-to-side as well as up-and-down movement.
He scales perfectly with Hal Jordan and fits in great with the Icons line. Like I said before, I don’t have Green Arrow as I’d rather wait for a more classic-looking version, but from the pictures I’ve seen he would be a bit shorter than both these two. I know that seems like a bad thing, but I’m more in favor of the size of the wave two line more than the smaller wave one figures. Another win for me from this line, and aside from the one eye missing a bit of paint, I have no complaints. If you’re already collecting the Icons line, you probably have this guy on your radar or have even already grabbed him.
This is definitely my favorite Flash figure to date, and for sure the most articulated and most poseable. I highly recommend him for any DC figure collector, or just collectors of fun toys. You can scoop him up at you local comic shops or Big Bad Toy Store.