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Top Ten: Most Wanted Mattel WWE Flashbacks

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I feel bad. Over the past few years, the Flashback execution of Mattel’s WWE Elite series has been one of the best, and most satisfying, action figure lines I currently collect. The problem is I don’t feel I talk about those figures enough. I know I need to do more reviews, but I am usually not timely with getting my stuff, so people usually beat me to the punch, but I am going to work on that. In the meantime, I am going to fly the flag for the line with an updated Top Ten; I know I have run one before, but we have gotten a significant amount of updates since then, and a lot of characters that made the list last time are now set to become plastic reality.

As a refresher, “my” WWE is pretty pointed in terms time and era. In fact, I have not watched wrestling since the early ’90s, and then, it was still very much the WWF and a product of its time and place. Thus, when I make a list like this, it is going to be pretty pointed to about 1985 to 1993 in terms of superstars I feel are most warranted. I don’t feel at all qualified to list guys from any other era since I am not a historian, but don’t worry, I am sure JLK will be glad to provide the modern- and “Attitude-” era characters in separate lists.

I have to say, I have done pretty well for myself over the last several series, and the Elites, coupled with the Defining Moments, and new Hall of Fame lines have done a great job in bolstering my muscle-y man ranks. New characters have been added, and better updates have come along as well, and all at a pretty nice pace that keeps my buying, but doesn’t burn out my wallet.

For the purposes of this list, though, I am not going to include any upcoming figures or those that have strong rumors around them. The Elite 42 and 43 lines are very much rumors, but The Anvil is the only guy that would make my list anyhow. So, since these guys should be coming, they were not even considered for the list:

  • Psycho Sid (E39)
  • British Bulldog (E39)
  • I.R.S. (E40)
  • Rick Rude (E40)
  • Jimmy Hart (HoF3)
  • Ted DiBiase (HoF3)
  • Macho King (HoF3)
  • Cactus Jack (maybe?) (HoF3)
  • Big John Studd (Heenan Family Box Set)
  • Bobby Heenan (Heenan Family Box Set)
  • Andre The Giant (blue singlet) (Heenan Family Box Set)
  • Mr. Perfect (orange singlet) (Heenan Family Box Set)
  • Paul Bearer (WM BAF)
  • Sting (surfer) (DM)
  • Nasty Boy Brian Knobbs (RUMORED E42)
  • Nasty Boy Jerry Saggs (RUMORED E42)
  • Jim “The Anvil” Neidhart (RUMORED E43)
  • Bret “The Hitman” Hart (RUMORED E43)

I know there is a reissue Big Boss Man and a Mr. Wonderful in white and red too – but I am not sure where and how they fall into the line. Is that everything? I always feel like I am missing something when I try to compile a “coming soon” list.

Anyhow, those names are really, really solid, and that list, coupled with recent Legends deals being signed by guys like Billy Graham and Tatanka, makes me quite hopeful for a diverse and expansive run of Flashback figures in the near future.

Additionally, I am also not going to include guys that have already been released in the Elite format. I want to keep this to “first time in the line” guys, so while Roddy Piper, Mr. Perfect, Diesel, Ricky Steamboat, and Jimmy Snuka (among others) are all painfully due for new/updated/better versions, since those guys have already gotten figures in some capacity in the Elite configuration, they are not included for consideration on this list. It is not because those updates are not worthy (hell, a BETTER Mr. Perfect is in my overall top three wants), but I want as many unique characters as possible.

So here is my list. It is not going to be your exact list, but when I think of the guys that are most meaningful to my time with the WWF, these are the most outstanding in terms of not being at the plastic party. I could not get everyone I wanted to into ten slots, but no one wants to read a top 50 list. Amirite?

10. Hercules


There is no other classic wrestling stable like the Heenan Family. I was always a heel fan, so the Heenan Family was the top of the list for me. Hercules was a major part of that, but he also had good runs with the Slickster, and as a face as well. Even though he was never really an A-list guy, he was omnipresent during the 1980s, and he definitely deserves a spot.

9. Barbarian


The number 8 and number 9 slot should really be combined into one at first glance, but I think that would ultimately be a disservice to both the Barbarian and Warlord. Sure, they made a VERY formidable tag team in the Powers of Pain, and that is what I remember them for the most, but each had a pretty nice solo career as well. These guys were big and scary, and they can be put toe-to-toe with the best tag teams of the time, or against some top talent singles guys as well. Plus, Barbarian had a killer look that was perfect for a heel wrestler.

8. Warlord


You can pretty much take what I wrote for the Barbarian and put it here, too. Powers of Pain needs to happen, and soon. However, the Warlord would also make a great foil to the upcoming Bulldog and several others as well. He was most certainly a feared powerhouse, just so long as you don’t remember that he was always TERRIBLE in the Royal Rumble.

7. Tugboat/Typhoon

The man born as Fred Ottman most certainly needs a figure in the Elite line. The question is, should his pal of Hulk Hogan Tugboat persona be first, or his Natural Disasters Typhoon? While I would hope we would eventually get both, I would lean toward the latter because I like the heels more. Ottman most certainly made his mark on the WWF/E memorable, and I want a figure of him for sure.

6. “Bad News” Brown


If you do not want a Bad News figure, I do not want to know you. He is by far one of the most underrated personalities of the time, and it did not matter who he was feuding with, he always made for a GREAT villain. I love how he always called people “cockroaches,” and never had one friend to speak of, which was perfect. His exit with Roddy Piper from the 1990 Royal Rumble was one of the best, and I need a figure of this guy in my life right now.

5. Koko B. Ware


Ah, The Bird Man. Koko was always there, and he was always a fan-favorite, but I never really thought of him as being a particularly great wrestler. He was athletic, that is for sure, and his high-flying moves were fun to watch, but he never really won anything. That is okay, though, because he is a Hall of Fame guy and as I said, he was always great for the crowds. He would make a very cool figure, and including his parrot Frankie would be required. Release him in the Hall of Fame line and that will be perfect.

4. Haku


Haku is the toughest man to ever step foot inside of a wrestling ring. He is also one of the most storied with many plotlines and feuds with some of the top talent of the day. Personally, I want the multi-colored tights and bare foot look from his days in the Colossal Connection with Andre The Giant. He was also highly regarded in his time as King Haku, so I would be okay with that look as well. It is a dream of mine to finish the Heenan Family, and Haku is an integral part of that stable.

3. Owen Hart


I know. At this point in time, it looks like this will never happen, but I will continue to hold out hope. However, Owen would probably edge into the second slot if I thought there was a better chance of a figure actually happening. Owen is not being kept out of the realm of possibility due his actions, so I am still hesitant to put him on the list with Nailz (beat up Vince McMahon), and Dino Bravo (suspected cigarette smuggler and Canadian Mafia murder victim). Owen’s widow Martha might change her stance on things one day, and while I would NEVER advocate for her to do so out of respect for her feelings, you just never know. If it does happen, his “King of Hearts” look was probably his best.

2. Greg “The Hammer” Valentine


I really cannot believe we do not have this figure yet, especially with the Hall of Fame line. I have a strong suspicion he will be coming in that line eventually, but I do want to go on record in saying that he is 100% perfect for a Hall release. Valentine might not have been the most popular guy, but he was a staple for the entire decade, and a very good, and very tough, wrestler. Plus, a figure of him would pretty easy to do.

1. Brutus “The Barber” Beefcake


Again, I have trouble reconciling that we do not have a figure of one of the most prolific and flamboyant wrestlers of the 1980s. Maybe there isn’t a deal in place, or there might be some bad blood or something, but he must not be available because I just cannot see Mattel sitting on a Beefcake figure when it could be one of their very best. His elaborate get-up could warrant a Defining Moments figure to get all of the details and accessories right, but since we had a small window to get our Hulk Hogan figures, I would really like to have his best pal, too. Hopefully the Hogan issue (or any other) is not holding Brutus back and we will see him soon.

There are definitely more that I want, especially from the prominent tag teams like the Killer Bees, and The Fabulous Rougeaus, and guys from WCE like Bobby Eaton, and Larry Zbyszko, but overall, I think this is a very solid line-up of wrestlers from the Golden Age, and all of them are required to make Mattel’s line fully successful. So, you can stop reading now, but I went for a smaller bonus list as a bit of an addendum to the above. Since guys like Bobby Heenan and Jimmy Hart are being released in these lines, I wanted to add five of the most needed non-wrestlers that are none the less required to capture the full personality of the 1980s. Just because these guys were not trapesing around in their underpants and grappling with other oiled-up guys doesn’t mean that they are any less essential.

5. Howard Finkel


THE Ring Announcer for all time. His voice is forever etched in my brain, and if I have anything I ever need to proclaim, I have to fight back the urge to do so in “The Fink’s” voice. Michael Buffer cannot even do Finkel’s laundry.

4. Slick


The preeminent “Jive Soul Bro” managed some of the best heels of the time, and while he doesn’t quite stand on the level of Heenan or Hart, he did manage Akeem and he sang his own entrance music. Those two things are Hall of Fame worthy on their own. It was a struggle to decide between him, Brother Love, and Sensational Sherry, but in the end, Akeem helps him win. Because Akeem always wins.

3. Mr. Fuji


Like Slick, Fuji oversaw some of the most infamous bad guys of the time. Sure, he had a life in wrestling before being a manager, but to me he will always be the leader of one of the most feared stables of the day. The Heenan Family got a box set, so maybe Mr. Fuji can be put with the Powers of Pain and Don Muraco for a great multi-pack.

2. “Mean” Gene Okerlund

mean-geneI am going to go out on a limb and say that your average wrestling non-fan has a better chance of knowing Mean Gene than most of the guys on my top ten list. He is a staple. He is a rock. He is required for all of the great shoot interviews that happened during the big events.

1. Gorilla Monsoon


I don’t care what your argument against it might possibly be: Gorilla Monsoon is the greatest wresting announcer of all time. He narrated my entire time with the WWF, and his banter with The Brain is the thing of legend. I want him at ringside in my display to call all of the action, and to call the upcoming Jimmy Hart figure a “pipsqueak.” Come on, Mattel: don’t pull a Pearl Harbor job on us, give us Gorilla and this place will go bananas.

So what are your picks? Sound off below!