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Mattel: WWE Seth Rollins – Seth Cashes In!

Seth Rollins Mattel exclusive -hands up wearing title belt

In an irony of crummy timing, just as Seth Rollins gets showcased with an exclusive Toys R Us figure spotlighting his career highlight, The Architect is now on the shelf with an injury that will keep him out nearly a year.

That’s a shame for the WWE, as Rollins has been the most consistently entertaining performer not named “John Cena” on the WWE roster in 2015. While Rollins may be on the shelf, his new figure is hitting shelves. Let’s see if this figure is money or simply a wasted expense.

Packaging: I really like whenever Mattel departs from the normal packaging for this exclusive figures. In addition to switching up the formula a little, it helps make the figure stand out, especially if you’re an MOC collector. I also appreciate the switch in colors from one year to the next as the Wrestlemania 30 Brock Lesnar‘s figure had a red and black color scheme. The yellow and gold really looks classy and is one of the few times I almost didn’t want to open the figure.

Additionally, I love the attention put forth on the bio, which fully explains the significance of this attire and this moment. Essentially, these TRU exclusive figures are more streamlined Defining Moment figures . . . at a better price.

Seth Rollins Mattel exclusive -hands on hipsLikeness: Rollins has proven to be an especially hard character for Mattel sculptors to get down just right. I think the nose is a bit too narrow and the inability to capture the stringy hair look also throws the likeness off somewhat. That said, the likeness up close is good, but it’s missing that sleazy, cocky expression Seth has become known for during his title run. This reserved, calm expression is better suited for a Shield-era Rollins.

Bodywise, the ripped medium size torso is a good fit and the arms and shoulders look accurate. I wish Mattel put a glove mold so the wrist portion didn’t just have black paint.

Scale: Seth’s height is 6’1″ so he’s regular height, meaning he’ll be looking up at the 7′ Kane and just a fraction taller than the 5’10” Daniel Bryan. Oddly, this Seth figure is slightly shorter than the Shield version from Elite 25. I’ll chalk that up to the difference in boots. Seth Rollins Mattel exclusive -scale with Roman Reigns, Daniel Bryan and Brock Lesnar

Paint: Unlike earlier Rollins figures, this version has a more appropriate darker skin tone to better reflect his tan.

Mattel still hasn’t been able to paint Rollins’ blond highlights accurately, as it just looks like the right side of the figure got dipped into a blob of bright yellow paint. Since Rollins is going to be around for years to come, I really wish Mattel would figure out a better paint application method to prevent the hair from looking cheap.

Seth’s “SR” logo is applied nicely, but Mattel skimped on painting on the rest of the belt detail, which is not the norm for Mattel. Hopefully ignoring these kinds of details doesn’t become the norm.

The gold lining along his tights are nice and clean. The kneepad is a little sloppy, but fortunately it’s the gold that oversprayed, making for a relatively easy correction.

Articulation:  Seth has the typical Elite articulation, so he’s got neck, ball-jointed shoulders, elbow, wrist, torso, waist, hips, thigh swivel, knees, and ankles.

In your figure collection, the Curb Stomp doesn’t have to be banned, and, of course, that’s an easy move to simulate. Getting the Pedigree is a bit trickier, but not impossible.

Accessories: I kinda want to gripe about the WWE title because it’s not the same shiny version as the one the Wrestlemania 30 Daniel Bryan came with, making Seth’s look a lot cheaper by comparison. On the plus side, the red circles on the side are painted. That means neither is the perfect version of the WWE title, so it’s a matter of what looks best to you.Seth Rollins Mattel exclusive - MITB briefcase and WWE title belt

The Money in the Bank briefcase is the pretty much the same one Mattel’s been using. If you’re a stickler for complete accuracy, the briefcase painted on the briefcase (weird) is yellow instead of brown and is overall missing the black shading. I suspect the cost for adding another paint app is to blame there, but it’s definitely not a big deal if you don’t have a pic to compare.

I wish Mattel hadn’t just released Rollins in Elite 37 so his “power vest” could have been included with this figure as well to make the “Ultimate” Rollins, but I get Mattel figured two figures make more money than one.Seth Rollins Mattel exclusive -curb stomping Reigns

Worth it? At $20, Seth is the same price as your standard Elite figure with a special packaging. This week Toys R Us has Elite figures on sale for $15.99, so if you’re considering it, I’d absolutely recommend grabbing him this week.Seth Rollins Mattel exclusive - Seth holding MITB briefcase

Rating: 9.5 out of 10

The blonde streaks continue to be an issue for Rollins figures, and the skimped-out belt details hold the figure back slightly. Otherwise, this is the best current Rollins figure on the pegs right now.

Where to get it? Naturally, as a TRU exclusive, that’s your best bet, both in stores or online.

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