Air Raid is one of this year’s Transformers Combiner Wars figures that makes up the final part of Fwoosh’s coverage of Superion. If you’ve been following us on this journey, you’ll note that we covered Silverbolt, Skydive, Alpha Bravo, Firefly, and Quickslinger.
Like the other Aerialbots already covered, he’s another Autobot plane that can combine to make one big bot: Superion. Air Raid is different in that he does have a unique vehicle mode, an F-14 Tomcat. Like Skydive, this separates him from Harrier jets Firefly and Quickslinger, which is cool since the original Superion came out in 1986 the same year the movie Top Gun with Tom Cruise came out, and we all know the real hero of Top Gun was the F-14. As Air Raid was originally an F-15 Eagle, I can’t help but think that is some sort of nod to Top Gun and 1986. If not, then its one hell of a cool coincidence.
The figure itself is a heavy “retool” of Skydive, most of the parts are switched as well as the plane. The figure looks great and definitely pops with the white, red, and blue color scheme. Hasbro is using the IDW designs as the basis, and they look great, but this isn’t the first time that I’ll praise that look. The articulation is par for modern Transformers figures. You get a great range of posabilty, and these figures are good hand candy.
The plane mode is great. I love the look of the F-14, and flying it around the house pretending to be Maverick flying a Transformer just tickles me pink. Yeah, one of those weird childhood fantasies. The color of the plane keeps with the original release — it’s black and it looks sharp.
The figure is easy to transform and plenty fun to play with. He makes up the final “leg” of the reviews. He’s a must-have for your collection as he is one of the original Aerialbots.
You can still pick him up today at: