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Hasbro: Marvel Legends Hulkbuster Series Valkyrie

Hasbro Marvel Legends Hulkbuster Series Valkyrie featured

Valkyrie is a part of the recently released Hulkbuster Series from Hasbro’s Marvel Legends. She is billed as one of the Fearless Defenders, the other being Thundra who was reviewed yesterday. Both figures come with an arm to build the Hulkbuster armor from Avengers: Age of Ultron. Valkyrie is seeing her second appearance in Marvel Legends, the first time was part of the Marvel Legends 2-packs where she was packed with Hulk. This was an extremely difficult figure to find and left many a collector bitter with Hasbro hatred. With the latest release, collectors will have no problems finding her.

Hasbro Marvel Legends Hulkbuster Series Valkyrie 7

Valkyrie is a classic character. She’s been around the Marvel Universe since the early ’70s and is best known for her time as a Defender. Like Thundra, she hung out with the Hulk before being slapped into the Defenders comic where she hung out with Hulk, Dr. Strange, Silver Surfer, and Namor. Granted, the Defenders changed members quite a bit, but she was a mainstay along with the previously mentioned founders. She’s been another favorite female character: tall, blond, powerful — yeah, I have a type. She’s recently been in Secret Avengers and took over the lead in the Fearless Defenders. As this Marvel Legends figure is of Valkyrie in her modern costume, I’d recommend putting her with Secret Avengers or Fearless Defenders.

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The figure is, again, a rehash of the sculpt that we saw in Red She-Hulk and Thundra, although she’s got enough parts to be somewhat different. Her lower torso and upper torso seem to be new, as well as her head. The rest is the same as we’ve seen on the other two. It’s a great sculpt for characters like Thundra, Red She-Hulk, and Valkyrie. They are all tall strong women and the sculpt is perfect in bringing out that characteristic. Again, the hair on the head sculpt is fantastic, but it’s placement on the head seems off, I’ll need to investigate if it needs to be reworked. The face sculpt is not my favorite because where Thundra’s pops, Valkyrie’s falls short for me. I haven’t compared the head sculpt to Red She-Hulk, but if it is the same sculpt, then paint is making it look strange.

The articulation is fantastic as it is on Red She-Hulk and Thundra. It’s got all the required points of articulation and is fun to pose. She does suffer a bit from wobbly knees, and the ratchets in the ankles make posing her standing somewhat challenging. Otherwise, this is a great figure and lots of fun to pose.

Rocker ankles
Hinged ankles
Double-hinged knees
Swivel thighs
Ball hips
Ball Chest
Ball shoulders
Swivel biceps
Swivel elbow
Hinged elbow
Swivel wrist
Hinged wrist
Ball head

Hasbro Marvel Legends Hulkbuster Series Valkyrie 3

She’s light on the accessories. She’s got a sword. I was gonna say the belt, but it’s glued on and not something that can be pulled off or on. The sword is okay, nothing outstanding about it. I still think she should be packaged with a flying Asguardian horse.

Hasbro Marvel Legends Hulkbuster Series Valkyrie

Without a doubt, collectors should be picking this figure up. It’s a great figure and is perfect for a Marvel Legends collection, and with the number of modern teammates that are being produced, you have the potential to place her anywhere. Great figure. Go buy at:

Hasbro Marvel Legends Hulkbuster Series Valkyrie 1

Hasbro Marvel Legends Hulkbuster Series Valkyrie 2

Hasbro Marvel Legends Hulkbuster Series Valkyrie 4

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