I’ve run across more pics of both Star Wars 1:12 model kits and S.H. Figuarts at the Tokyo International Toy Show. Some interesting things…
Some closer shots of the model kit Sandtrooper. It seems this isn’t a complete reuse of the Stormtrooper though. Looking closer at the helmet, there are considerable differences, especially around the eyes. The belt is also different.
Here’s the Stormtrooper model…
And here’s the final Sandtrooper model kit…
The Speeder Bike with Biker Scout is set to drop next week, so these may be the last pics before actually having it in hand. So close…
Also shown was what looks to be final figures for S.H. Figuarts Luke Skywalker and Darth Maul. Luke comes with a helmet-less Darth Vader head that looks fantastic. Some of the pics show Luke’s hair to be too blonde, but others don’t, so it’s hard to tell how it will look when it’s finally released. Darth Maul is downright killer, although his teeth are throwing me. Too black?