While the Arkham Knight himself has not made his way to stores yet, thanks to GameStop, we still managed to get another mysterious masked character before the release date.
Shortly after the first wave showed up at comic shops, GameStop’s web store and some locations received this figure, prompting a mad dash by collectors to get this guy before the supply dries up on this exclusive.
Red Hood is a confirmed character for the game, and a confirmed playable character at that, but not much else is really clear at this point. We can assume it’s Jason Todd under there, and that would take at lease one guy off the Arkham Knight suspect list, but to my knowledge, that hasn’t been confirmed.
What is for sure, though, is this is another solid figure from DC Collectibles. Sporting similar articulation to Batman, Red Hood is another standout in what is shaping up to be possibly DCC’s best line yet.
Like Batman, we have double knees, hinges hips, ankle rockers, ab-crunch, thigh cuts, etc. — basically the winning formula. Here again, only the hips are a little limited. DCC just needs to modify that hip design a little, and they’ve basically got a flawless design pattern.
Now where the Batman design was leaving me a little cold, Red Hood does much better. Similar to his comic and anime appearance, Hood has a motocross-style jacket with some tan BDU pants. It looks like he’s got a red hoodie underneath the jacket, adding some nice additional color and giving this Red Hood an actual “red hood.” He’s sporting some body armor and shin guards, and he’s got six magazines in quick-tab pouches on his hips, usually where we end up with holsters. The hood is a little more like Joker’s original number, with no eye holes, but instead a little bit of a snout, likely part of a bio-chem filter. He also has his Bat-esque logo hastily painted on his jacket and vest.
The hood itself is lightly tabbed into the jacket and can be easily removed. Honestly, I’m torn. I like both looks. Might need two figures.
Red Hood also comes with two giant, silly handguns. They have great paintwork and detailing on them, and they do fit in his grip nicely (left hand doesn’t have an extended trigger finger, though), but yeah, I think they’re silly looking. They probably shoot other kinds of ammo in addition to bullets, or something, hence the massiveness and all the rail-space under the barrels.
All in all, I would say this is another hit for DCC, and I actually like him even more than Batman. And that’s not a knock, since Bats is a solid figure as well, but the execution of the Red Hood makes him just that much better. Definitely worth tracking one down if you haven’t done so already.