In our continuing coverage of the Mighty Morphing Power Rangers, we are covering the Black Ranger, Zack Taylor, played by Walter Emanuel Jones. The Black Ranger drives the Mastodon Dinozord. This is our fourth Ranger review — we covered Red, Blue, and Yellow so far, and we have Pink, Green, and White on the horizon. I think we even have a Chogokin Powerzord to review!
As mentioned before, these belong to my oldest son; he’s the one who’s collecting and buying the Power Rangers, and I think he’s got them all now. I picked this one up during San Diego Comic-Con 2014, and while I was walking the floor, I decided to get the thing autographed by Walter Jones, who was attending the show.
VeeBee or Indy (or was it craarl?) made fun of me. They asked right off the bat, “Are you going to let your son open the figure now that it is signed?” I answered that it was up to him, but I knew — that figure would be ripped out and displayed and played with. There might be a moment of hesitation, but that figure was coming out. And I was right! Within minutes it was taken out of the package. Granted, there were a dozen questions about Walter Jones.
“Did you talk to him? Was he cool? Was he tall?” My son is a 13-year-old giant, and I had to explain that he was about a head taller than Jones. This was met with awe, wonder, and, in the end, disappointment. Oh, the bitter magic of Hollywood. But Walter was cool and for a cool $30 he signed my kid’s Power Ranger. Yeah, this was getting to be an expensive figure! But you can’t put a price on happiness. My son was happy and satisfied!
The figure, well, there’s not much to talk about! The sculpt is just like the Red and Blue Rangers — to a “T.” Outside of the super-cool helmet, there isn’t much difference between the figures. They look like generic reused figures that fit their purpose of looking like Power Rangers. In other words, I don’t have any new revelations about the figures. I can’t even wax poetic about the articulation. We aren’t seeing anything new, but I’ll post the breakdown for the sake of it:
Hinged toes
Swivel feet
Ball ankles
Double knees
Swivel thighs
Ball hips
Jointed crotch
Ball waist
Ball abs
Double ball shoulders
Bicep swivels
Double elbows
Swivel forearm
Jointed wrist
Swivel hands
Ball neck
Ball head
As this guy is a must for your collections, you must pick him up from any one of the following locations: