If you can remember back to October 2009, Four Horsemen Studios released their latest in the 7th Kingdom lineup. This series was Queen Alluxandra and Her Royal Council. There was some 10+ figures in the wave, featuring different colorways and variants. Most of the variants were head changes, and even Fwoosh got in on the action: we sold Kromius as a Fwoosh exclusive. These are 6-inch action figures and tons of fun. Check out this First Look of Alluxandra, both the regular version and party version!
Isadorra is a bad guy, I think, I can’t remember, but she looks like a bad guy. I’m putting her in with my Gothitropolis figures since she looks like she belongs to that world, which might make her a good guy in that universe but a bad guy in 7th Kingdom. Ooh parallel universes! We need a Crisis to fix it all!
She’s a great figure and one of my favorite variants of the group. She has a unique human head sculpt but otherwise shares the same sculpt and costume parts as the rest of the Royal Council. In other words, no cape and a different skirt from Alluxandra. I love this sculpt and all these years later I still love the sculpt. It’s a great female figure, and as you can see from the Alluxandra figure below, the only complaint that I have is the hips. Yes, they are ball hips with thigh swivels, but the construction looks less than pretty. It’s not a huge problem as hips are covered by the skirt, but it does limit out-of-the-box custom repaints. You will have to sculpt over those joints.
The articulation is still lovely on these figures all these years later. There is some minor wear over the years, however. The ankle joints are a bit loose and might require a super glue or future floor wax drop. There is so much good articulation on this figure that you can get lost in it. BUT! I have one major qualm, and that is back to the hips. While the hips have an incredible range of motion in them, they are all but blocked by the incredibly stiff skirt! Later on with Scarabus, Four Horsemen Studios would fix this by making the skirt separate parts that were on and around the legs and waist, removing the skirt’s inhibiting factors. I’ve yet to figure out a way to “adjust” the skirt, allowing for more range of motion in the hips.
Here is the breakdown:
Rocker ankles
Hinged ankles
Double-hinged knees
Swivel thighs
Ball hips
Swivel waist
Hinged abs
Ball shoulders
Double-hinged elbows
Swivel wrists
Ball neck
Ball head
The paint is marvelous! Simply marvelous! I love the paint on Isadorra. The flesh tone is perfect, and the face paint! Just look at it! It’s awesome! And the colors of this figure are great since they “fit” into Gothitropolis. Top notch quality.
If you do pick this figure up, please be careful. The weapons turned out all kinds of weak, and they snap in half easily. I’ve had to glue them together more times than I can care to share. You’ll notice the tape on the staff — another snap during the photo shoot.
You can still pick this figure up at: