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Morning Rush – Figma Avengers

Over the past year I’ve found myself loving Max Factory’s Figma action figure line. I’m not into all the teen and fantasy related figures but I am slowly getting into a number of the figures. When Figma originally showed off their Avengers figures curiosity got the better of me. I’d bought a Figma or 2 but the small scale of the figures that I picked up were a turn off. Most them the were six inch in scale, and being a staunch six inch collector I was put off.


At the urging of the forum members I decided to pick a figure from the line again. Cobra. A beautiful 6 inch action figure, I was taken aback! And when I heard of the Marvel’s The Avengers movie action figures, I thought wow! This could be something. Then the prototypes leaked and eventually they were shown off. And I was sold just based on the sculpt. As more information came out scale was showing that these figures were not going to be on the small side of six inches but the larger side. And like that, I was excited.

RoboKillah posted magazine scans over the weekend with more details about the figures. Granted they are in Japanese but we can get most of the details, like scale. Which is important, but more importantly, these look amazing. Thor and Iron Man look like shrunken down Hot Toys figures. They are simply amazing. This has to be the best six inch versions I’ve seen of an Iron Man action figure, and I though the S.H. Figurarts, not perfect, were going to be the pinnacle of Iron Man figures. I was wrong. If Figma’s production figures wind up anything like the pictured figures then they will have accomplished something not even Hasbro has done, a perfect six inch scaled Iron Man figure.

And that Thor Figure is a thing of beauty. Yes, this is a Movie figure, it isn’t a comic version, but wow, it is beautiful! I like the Captain America figure, yeah the head sculpt needs a lot of work to match a “lifelike” rendition of Cap from the movie, but I’m willing to give that a pass. I love this figure, I think he might look better than Cap did in the movie, much more streamlined. I cannot wait to have these figures.

Where is Hulk? That seems to be the big question that everyone is asking. And I would like to know where Hulk is as well. The figure pictured was beautiful, literally looked like a shrunken down Hot Toys figure. Simply beautiful. Let’s hope that he will be part of a wave two with Hawkeye and Black Widow.

I hope these figures come out of the factory without quality issues and looking like the pictured figures. I really hope they do. And if they do, and sell well, I’ll be all over ordering more.