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LEGO – The LEGO Movie MetalBeard’s Duel 70807


Pirate + mech = freaking awesome! LEGO has been making amazing mech builds for years, but never has there been a mech like this one.  This set, again, is from the upcoming The LEGO Movie, and it’s just as crazy as the last set I reviewed.

SAMSUNG CAMERA PICTURESThe set includes 3 ¼ minifigures and two different mech-type builds.  Skeletron, Robo SWAT, and Frank the Foreman are the three full minifigures.

SAMSUNG CAMERA PICTURESSkeletron is your basic LEGO skeleton build with a very cool robot face print. Robo SWAT is what he sounds like — an evil robot SWAT figure. He comes with a helmet with a shield that opens, and he also comes with a gun. Frank the Foreman may look like a basic construction worker, but only if by “basic” you mean super-freaking-cool breaded guy! Well, not really — he is just a basic-looking figure that could be included with a normal LEGO City set. Frank only comes with a hard hat.  The ¼ minifigure is MetalBeard’s head. He once was a full figure, but he lost a battle with Lord Business (main bad guy in The LEGO Movie). During the battle he lost all his body parts — more on that later.

SAMSUNG CAMERA PICTURESSadly, none of these figures have two faces, but both Frank and Robo SWAT have really nice detail printed on their backs, which is not always the case.

The first mech in this set is a Micro Manager and, yes, that name is supposed to be a play on the main guy being an evil business man.  The first thing that came to my mind when I saw this mech was an AT-ST from Star Wars fame. It has a very simple-looking shape to it, but there is something evil and mean-looking about it. The Micro Manager has two articulated legs, as well as two articulated arms with claws on the end. Sadly, the claws are stuck in place, so you cannot clamp down on enemies. There is a flick missile on each side that can be pulled down out of their hidden spots. The top of the mech also opens and has a spot for Robo SWAT to drive this mean machine! I love the black, gray, and red color scheme of the Micro Manager.

Now that all of that is out of the way, we get to the main “man” this set was named after: MetalBeard! He is a giant pirate mech. I really should not have to sell you on anything else, but I wouldn’t be doing my job if I didn’t.

Let’s start with his head, He has an eye patch (duh, pirate and all). I love that it’s a metal patch; it adds to the “mech” factor. He has a standard LEGO pirate hat, but, again, it has a mech twist to its design. The skull and “crossbones” uses wrenches instead of bones. And instead of a plume of feathers, it has flames shooting out of the hat.


SAMSUNG CAMERA PICTURESHis body looks like it was made out of an old pirate ship and some leftover robot parts.

Now let’s take a look at this guy body part by body part. His chest as some great details, like gear shoulder pads, chains, a smoke stack with smoke coming out of it, a “mast” with flags and a parrot on it. I mean, come on, where would a pirate be without a parrot? The last detail is his treasure chest attached to his, well, um, chest. But there is no gold or jewels in the chest; this is where Metal Beard stores the body parts he could find after his lost battle.

Both of his legs have lots of pirate gear attached to them. His peg leg — yes, his peg leg — is made of a barrel, cannonball, and has an anchor hanging on the back. His other leg has a spy glass, gun, and a small little cannon on his foot. Now the arms — oh, how I love those arms. His left arm has two working cannons! He keeps his ammo attached to the helm (big wheel used to steer). All you have to do is slide the ammo in the cannons and then pull the tab on the back and BOOM — you are shooting out people’s eyes before you know it! The right arm has a normal-looking LEGO mech hand with four articulated fingers. And, oh yeah, he has a SHARK ON HIS FOREARM! The shark’s mouth works and is great for eating evil robots. He also comes with a giant pirate sword that can be attached on his back when not being used, though why you need a sword when you have a shark, I don’t know.


The more LEGO Movie sets I build, the more I am in love with them. They are just silly and are just about enjoying LEGOs.  If a giant pirate mech with a shark on his arm doesn’t make you all giddy and excited, I don’t think I can help you. Thanks for reading.



This set retails for $34.99.

Piece count 412


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2 thoughts on “LEGO – The LEGO Movie MetalBeard’s Duel 70807

  1. “Sadly, the claws are stuck in place, so you cannot clamp down on enemies.” That almost seems poetic, considering Lord Business’s end goal.

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