Did you know that on this date in 1929 the first Buck Rogers and Tarzan comic strips appeared in newspapers? 1929. 85 years ago. And yeah, I know they already existed before the strips, Tarzan for a while, Buck not so much. But Buck Rogers was the first sci-fi comic strip and he invaded people’s homes like he couldn’t have done before. People may not have always picked up magazines, but everyone read the newspaper. Both characters went on to great things, from TV shows to movies to comics. Hell, I ran into Gil Gerard in a bathroom and knew who he was because of a TV show from when I was six. But through all of that one question lingers. Where is my six inch articulated Buck Rogers and Tarzan action figures? WHERE? Or my classic Lone Ranger and Tonto? Zorro? Doc Savage? The Shadow? C’mon! Ah well, belly up, it’s Happy Hour!
I woke up to a new Ebay search alert and the Spider-Man Legends Infinite Swap figures were staring back at me.
These are, of course, from a Hong Kong Ebay seller. But we saw this sort of thing with the regular figures of the wave a month ago and now we are all buying them. So hopefully soon? There seems to be a demand given the insane prices they are already going for. Here’s the Ebay links:
Boomerang has holders on his back for his boomerangs. This is an awesome little addition. I’m not usually one for open mouth sculpts but at least he isn’t screaming and the teeth actually look pretty good. Good enough to kind of freak me out. Otherwise he looks like the USAgent body. Which is okay in my book, I’m loving that the reuse is going towards characters we never thought we’d see.
Toxin is definitely the Hyperion body with new forearms, if not the full arm. He’s reusing the Carnage back plug tendril dealie. I may not use it at all or make my own, or add some hot glue to it to make it different. I’d probably have the two of them standing fairly close on the display so I don’t want them to wear the same accessories to prom. Another great headsculpt though, and I dig the shiny paint. Feel like he needs a chest logo though to break up all that red.
Spider-Girl I’m not as familiar with but it’s nice to see the new teenage body in other views. The head again looks great but slightly large. I’m guessing to emphasize her teenage status. And it works.
These popping up on Ebay gives me a lot more hope that these are actually going to make it out to stores. And that’s a good thing, both for restoring the collecting community’s faith in Hasbro and the additions of more nice figures to the display.
Speaking of Hasbro and Hong Kong Ebay sellers, looks like Star Wars Black Series 3 has shown up again, this time boxed!
Bespin Luke
Obi-Wan Kenobi
First off, Luke’s eyes look MUCH better in the carded shot. Not perfect but he’s not a sad panda. As we’ve seen, this is on a case by case basis. I’ve seen a few Han’s out in the wild and each one is different when it comes to the eye details and placement.
Flip side, and to further the point, Obi-Wan’s eyes took a dip in quality. Not terribly bad but he looks more surprised than he did in the seller’s previous loose shots (see the above auction links, they are the same pictures from his earlier auctions).
But I’ve said it before, the sculpts and the rest of the paints look outstanding so if my biggest complaint is eyes then I feel the line is satisfying most of my requirements. Which is paints, articulation, and sculpt. Which is basically most of your requirements too, if you’ve been on Fwoosh for any amount of time. I feel like I could have typed this whole paragraph with a lot less words.
Diamond Select is running a contest on their Facebook page with the prize being a Marvel Select Jane Foster and prototype Thor from Thor: The Dark World!
I am a complete and utter sucker for gray figures. Prototype, primer, just spray painted gray, there is something beautiful about it. It strips it down to where you can see the sculpt, whether good or bad. And don’t get me wrong, I love me a well painted figure too, but if I had my way and limitless cash I would have two of every figure I own and primer one of each. And then put a custom Gray Gargoyle above them all.
Back on point, entering is easy. Go to Diamond Select’s Facebook page, scroll down and like the above pic, and then email your address to [email protected]. It’s that simple. It’s gray plastic simple. And beautiful.
And then there’s this…
Happy Hour’s over!