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Fwoosh Happy Hour- Planet of the Apes and Masterpiece Wheeljack!

Have you guys stopped and thought about all the movies we’re getting this year? And I’m not talking about the Academy Award Joe Normal stuff, I’m talking about movies for us. The comic movies, sci-fi, the blood and guts carnage flicks? More than I can count. Robocop, 300: Rise of an Empire, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, The Amazing Spider-Man 2, Godzilla, X-Men: Days of Future Past, Transformers: Age of Extinction, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes. And that’s just the first half of the year! And yeah, I know these aren’t all going to be winners in everyone’s eyes, but they’ll all get blown away by Guardians of the Galaxy anyway, so who cares? What? You don’t think so? Then belly up, it’s Happy Hour!

NECA once again took to Twitter today and fired off hi-res pics of Dr. Zaius, Cornelius, and the Gorilla Soldier from their Classic Planet of the Apes line!

SWEET! That is some well hidden articulation at the knees and elbows.

This is probably old but it’s new to me. A fairly good shot of Caesar from Dawn of the Planet of the Apes.

NEC12456According to preorders on BigBadToyStore the first assortment is Caesar, Koba, and Maurice.

TAG Hobby posted a couple of new pictures of Transformers Masterpiece Wheeljack!

Yeah, the firing rocket is cool, but what’s even better is the close up shot of Wheeljack’s head. And of course the scale shot is fantastic.

And then there’s this…

12111_10151919775022285_290443675_nAs much as I liked the shots from last night, this kind of dampens my enthusiasm just a tad. Not a whole lot since I know this is more of a promo “throw as much in as we can” shot, but really, nerd glasses on Donatello? Raphael’s sunglasses? The noses on Mikey and Raph are a bit unsettling too. But you know what? I’m still down to wait and see.

Happy Hour’s over!