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Power-Con 2013 – He-Mike Customs


As a customizer and fan of custom figures in general, a highlight of Power-Con for me has always been He-Mike’s custom display.  He makes some of the cleanest and coolest custom figures I’ve ever seen.  He-Mike brought all of his previous MOTUC customs and some new stuff or maybe I just hadn’t remembered including:


The Rattlor body really brings out the cool in Repta here.  I love the little detail of the hissing tongue.


Battle Elephant

This thing is a crazy monster.  The photos do not do it justice.  First off, there is a fully articulated elephant body there, the articulation all engineered by He-Mike.  Most impressive to me is the fabricating on the armor and the laser seat.  This is 4H quality clean beautiful work and perfect design.  The laser cannons are articulated and there is tons of control panel detail in the cockpit.


I really wish I had got better pictures of this figure (my camera was giving me fits this weekend) because it is so beautiful.  Mike merged parts from the MOTUC King Hiss and a snake toy perfectly in a way that makes the vintage Sahak actually look cool.


This is one of those Holy Grail figures that I think Mattel could actually produce for us if they see a big enough audience.  It was all I could do to keep from running off with this figure.

Earl Norem King Hiss Snake-Form

One of the few missteps for me in the MOTUC line is King Hisss’ snake form.  It’s a little bland for me on the original figure and doesn’t quite live up to the famous King Hisss painting by Earl Norem.  He-Mike captured that look perfectly using the original vintage King Hiss snake head, some toy snakes and the existing King Hisss snakes.  The result is massive roiling pile of snakes that is really scary.


Last year fwoosher ferdera1 and I spent a long time grilling him on how he made these fantastic MOTUC style Skeleton Warriors.  My intention was to duplicate or hybridize his recipe into a skeleton warrior custom of my own because I absolutely love the idea of animated skeleton warriors.  It’s an image burned into my brain by clips of Harryhausen movies watched in my youth and I’ve long wanted 6 inch scale skeleton warriors.  I’ve come close with some revoltech Harryhausen skeletons and some Gentle Giant Hellboy skeletons, but not quite right for use with my MOTUC figures.  He-Mike had cracked the code and I was jealous.  Covetous.  I wanted those Skeleton Warriors!


So you can imagine how happy I was that he had made a bunch for sale at this year’s power-con.  I had no idea this was coming and it was the highlight of the con to me.  I could actually buy these excellent skeleton figures I had been drooling over last year.  I purchased as many as I could reasonably afford.  As a bonus Mike gave me a bag of extra skeleton parts for use in photoshoots.  Do I feel a little bad about hoarding so many of these fantastic little works of art to myself.  A little, but not enough to put a dint in how happy it makes me to have them.