The Four Horsemen had some cool stuff at their booth today including several Outer Space Men Prototypes, a slew of Scarabus figures, two new OSM characters (Colossus Rex and Orbitron) and the recently finalized sculpt for the Gothitropolis Raven. Click through for more pics!
I think the Raven prototype was the highlight of my first day at con. It’s so beautifully detailed, I ended up staring at the feather details and all the cool equipment for quite some time. I took a ton of pics and I hope they convey the detail. I’m really looking forward to getting one of these for my own.
The two new OSM characters have a great look to them and I dig the way the little green Martian came out. I have to say it was great to see so many fans come over and marvel at the Scarabus figures. It seemed like Nergall got a lot of attention (and sales!). I also had a chance to chat with Horseman Eric Treadaway which was really cool. It’s kinda fun geeking out over toys with one of the people responsible for making some of your favorites!